June 02, 2009

438. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

The fight was was furious, but it lasted only moments, and ended when Raezyr suddenly stepped back and shut his blades off. "Your hate, your anger, your... emotion... has made you powerful. Those strikes were stronger than anything I've ever felt from you, but they were sloppy. You have to learn to channel that passion, but you cannot sacrifice control.

"Let your anger consume you, but control it, direct it. Use it on our enemies," Raezyr said, then walked to his door and went in.

Trychon stood for a moment and digested what the younger Sith had told him. Deep down, he knew Raezyr was correct, but the pain was still too recent. He shut off his lightsaber, suddenly aware that it was still humming in the empty hallway. He looked up and down the corridor to see if anyone had noticed the brief skirmish, but it didn't appear so.

An hour later found them loading their belongings onto Raezyr's ship. Aitchkay had informed them that no one had been snooping around the craft while they had been away, although they hadn't expected anyone to be.

They discussed the final details of their plan as they did a quick walk-around of the Jet Razor. Thirty minutes ago they had contacted a man who was advertising the sale of a single shuttle. It was a cheap one, and old, and the seller had informed them it wasn't in the greatest condition, but that it was still capable of hyper speed travel.

"Are you sure this will work?" Trychon asked for the third time. "It just seems way to simple to me."

"I can't be 100% sure. No one can, really. Just ask him to take you on a test flight after looking the thing over. He'll probably want to verify you have the credits first, but that won't be a problem, since we actually have the funds to purchase the thing out right."

"But he'll know I'm no pilot. I can fly it, sure, but I don't know what I'm looking for when I go over it," Trychon said, playing more of the "Sith's advocate," than voicing any real doubts.

"All the better. He'll be anxious to get the sale done. You've seen me do the walk-around and pre-flights a hundred times, just try to look like you know what you're doing," Raezyr explained.

"Besides, you have to be the one to go. He'll probably only have some sort of temporary transponder signal, and you have to slice the system quickly and upload a new one, or Den Var Space Command will be all over us," Raezyr concluded.

Trychon checked his chrono. "About that time. I better head toward the specified landing pad."

The two Sith brothers shook hands. "I'll see you space-side, Trych. May the Force serve you well."

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