June 25, 2009

470. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

The two Sith stared blankly into the distance towards the village as they froze momentarily, like two little children caught climbing towards the cookie jar. They'd discussed the need to keep their Force use to a minimum around the monestary, and Trychon's outburst confirmed their feelings. Several of the Monks had taken notice of Trychon's maneuver, although neither Trychon or Raezyr could tell if they'd known what it was.

Regardless, their original reaction to being noticed subsided and they realized that the minds that had showed curiosity towards them were still off in the far distance, and they were in no immediate danger of discovery if their cover wasn't already blown. They quietly and quickly covered up the signs of their sparring session on the ground, and took one of the long ways around to a different path into the monastery.

As they wandered up the path at a very deliberate slow meandering pace, Trychon began to stumble and sway a little, grumbling under his breath about nothing in particular. Raezyr grabbed his arm to support him and help guide him innocently back to their hut, adding in a bit of a small sway to his own steps.

They attracted the normal glances that they always seemed to receive, although they'd grown less the past few weeks, but they did not feel the wandering interest that had found them in the forest earlier that night. Instead, just a few childrens' giggles followed by the hush tones of the parents.

They made their way back to their cots, unsure of whether or not they had betrayed themselves at all. They could only hope that if they'd aroused suspicion, their follow up act was enough to divert any real discussion about what activities the two may be undertaking in their free time. Trychon figured at worst it would buy them at least some time to act more normal and remove the attention they'd garnered... and at best, it was an unnecessary exercise in their acting abilities. The final act involved them falling to sleep in silence, so they did exactly that.


The morning went by as they normally did, although Trychon continued to yawn and place his head in his hands at breakfast. Violet smiled as she slid him some of her purple tea without saying a word. Trychon smiled at her as he took a few sips, and then Raezyr took the cup from him to have a sip as well. The rest of the breakfast continued on without more than a small handful of exchanged words.

Everyone gathered their things after they pitched in cleaning up the table from the meal and a few other small morning chores. They were all about to part ways when Saffron coughed gently, but loud enough to be heard.

Mannix smiled. and greeted her cheerily.

Saffron smiled back, although more patronizing than anything. Then she turned to Raezyr and Trychon. "Father Monahan would like to see you, if you have a moment."

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