June 10, 2009

452. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

Raezyr caught Trychon's drift, as he had the same feeling. It was the feeling you get when you are whispering to someone, and look up, just in time to catch someone else leaning in, trying to hear what you're talking about. You know they couldn't have heard you, but you wonder anyway. Raezyr laid back onto his cot and rested his head on his hands. "Good thing you're awake."

"Why's that?" Trychon said, speaking toward the ceiling.

"I'm no good at this stuff."

"What stuff?"

"Talking to people. Never have been." They laid their quietly for a while, neither knowing just how much to say, and both wondering just whose attention they had attracted. Raezyr really wished they could get away and talk quietly. It'd never do for their stories to not match up.

Trychon's thoughts turned to what Raezyr may have told them. Apparently they now had some sort of Jedi background, and it worried him that he didn't know what had been said. He began to wish that he had been the first to wake up, then began thinking about the last thing he remembered before the crash.

Things had been tense, but Raezyr had seemed in control. Suddenly, there had been a small explosion from somewhere outside the craft, and after that, all hell had broken loose. It was the first time since they had met that he had seen his younger brother in 'panic' mode. Then something burst inside the overhead bulkhead and a panel dropped, hitting him in the head. Lights had exploded inside his brain, and the next thing he remembered was waking up just a few minutes ago.

"How long were we in the tank?" Trychon asked. "And how long have I been out?" he added before the other Sith could answer.

"Heh, no tanks here, Trych," Raezyr chuckled a bit. "Just good, old-fashioned Force imbued amulets, and I was out for about two days. You've been out for about 4 more days than that."

"SEVEN DAYS?" Trychon asked incredulously, propping himself up. "How badly did you wreck our ship?"

"Ship? Are you referring to the pile of scrap metal in the woods?"

"Oh, man," Trychon moaned as he laid back covered his eyes with the crook of his elbow. He suddenly sat up again, wincing in pain as he did, the amulet's magic beginning to wear off. "Where's our stuff? My gem? My lightsaber?"

Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching. "All of our stuff is safe in that cabinet over there. ALL of it," he stressed, hoping Trychon would catch his drift and drop the questions about the lightsabers. The Taxl apparently didn't know what they were, and the longer before they found out, the better.

Saffron opened the door, and Odilo entered quickly behind her, "... and I'm not sure we can stop them now," he was saying.

Raezyr sat up and started to get out of the bed. "Who needs stopping?" he asked. If someone was about to happen, he didn't want to be caught lying down. He noticed Trychon must have had the same thought, because he was struggling to get up as well.

"No, no, Mr. Raezyr, you lay back down. I was referring to young Mannix. I believe he's going to spread word about you two, and we're going to have quite a number of people wanting to visit you," Brother Odilo said as he put Raezyr back in the bed, then walked over and did the same with Trychon.

"Hello, Mr. Trychon. I am Brother Odilo, the Healer here in our village. This is Saffron," he said, indicating the red haired girl who had begun crumbling some leaves into a small pot of steaming water. "She's my apprentice. Together, we've overseen your and your brother's recovery. Soon you'll be well enough to get up and move around, but for now I must insist on complete bed rest."

Saffron brought the small earthenware pot over and two wooden mugs. Setting them down, she filled the mugs half-way with a steaming, purple liquid.

"I have to go speak with Father Monahan about the new situation, I'll be back later," Odilo said and slipped out the door.

Seeing what she was pouring, Raezyr groaned a bit. Saffron chuckled at the sound. "Please drink this, Trychon. It's your brother's favorite," she said wryly.

"Just chug it, Trych," Raezyr said as he swallowed the hot tea in one gulp, then reached for the cool water on the stand by his bed.

Trychon looked at the mug warily, then followed Raezyr's lead. It was bitter, and the heat burned his mouth a bit as it went down, but he forced it down anyway, then reached for his own cup of water to wash it down.

"What situation was he talking about? What's going on, Saffron?" Raezyr asked, having rinsed his mouth of the harsh medicine.

Saffron sighed then sat down. "I suppose you'll be finding out soon, so it won't do any harm in telling you. The elder's had hoped to quash the rumors that had started, but now that will never happen.

"We have an old prophecy. It was uncovered by one of our newer members, a man named Varth, when he was transcribing some of our old texts. It foretells of a chosen one, or a great leader. There are some that think one of you might be The One," she explained.

I'm not sure if I remember it correctly, but the passage reads something like:

Knight of the Force, removed by two;
Cloaked in progress, the color blue;
Blade of Night;
Gem of Might;
From the Stars at morning light;
On his head, the mark shall rise;
The Force painted in his eyes;
The One to take his Place of Right.

We never really understood any of that, but you two crashed just before sunrised, and Raezyr was wearing that blue, uh, armor, or whatever, and has that scar, so Mannix, the boy you saw in the doorway, has been telling anyone that will listen that the Chosen One had arrived. Most have dismissed those things as mere coincidence, but since he's seen your eyes, now, Trychon, I think people will start paying attention. Four of the signs is just too much to pass off as incidental."

Feigning ignorance, Trychon asked, "What do my eyes have to do with it?"

"We have old texts that describe yellow eyes as the mark of the Force," she explained.

Raezyr spoke up, worried what else those texts may say about yellow eyes. "What else does it say about that mark?"

"Nothing else that we know of. Many of our older tomes have fallen to ruin from disuse as only a few have been deemed as Holy. It has been a real blessing to us that Varth arrived a few years ago. He has undertaken the task of transcribing many of those texts, and has uncovered many writings that had been long forgotten by our Order. He's a bit of a recluse. Rarely ever leaves the library, except to sleep and for Assembly. He even eats there," she informed them.

Trychon and Raezyr looked at each other, and they knew they were thinking the same thing. Varth... it had to be him.

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