June 03, 2009

445. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

Raezyr opened his eyes slowly. He already felt better than he had earlier. It felt like minutes, but he had no idea how long he'd been unconscious. He looked too the left, feeling his neck protest, but pushing through the pain. Trychon lay there, exactly as he had when he last woke. Raezyr closed his eyes and reached out to his brother. He could feel Trychon in a deep slumber. His body was just as bad as Raezyr's own, and probably worse. More importantly though, he could sense Trychon's mind underneath a haze, but whole and concentrated inward.

He'd be fine.

It was a rough landing. Granted, that was their plan, but it didn't make the result any less effective. Judging by their current location, they'd been successful enough in getting the attention of the Taxl monks as Darth Vikon had told them. Raezyr took a detailed inventory of his working parts and they were more or less working. Their last minute defensive barrier they'd pulled up using their force bond may have saved them, albeit with a flair for the dramatic. Trych will like that perspective he thought to himself.

He glanced around the room one more time and found the room empty. He rolled over and off of the bed and on to the floor. Every part of his legs screamed to explode, but he willed himself through it. Rather than stand up though, he found himself crouching on the floor for several moments, waiting to make another move. His muscles slowly relaxed, and the pain subsided just enough for him to concentrate on standing.

"What are you doing?!" The female voice came through the doorway. "Are you insane?"

"I'm standing." Raezyr kept his reply simple. He and Trychon weren't entirely sure still how they best wanted to handle the entire situation yet, and it took less effort anyway.

The girl walked over to him and grabbed him by the arm, relieving some of his weight from that side, and pushing him back onto the bed he'd just worked his way off of. She was young and short, with medium length tousled red hair. Poking out of that was what Raezyr assumed was extended ear tips.

She got him settled laying back down on his back. "You need to be resting. Hold still." She grabbed a metal object with a jewel in the center and placed it around her neck before walking over to him and touching the jewel to his head. Suddenly the weight and searing complaints from his limbs lifted momentarily before slowly creeping back.

"How?" Was all he could manage.

"You... need to be resting. The amulet will help you... but you need to help yourself as well." She grabbed a small chalice and poured a mouthful of green liquid into it out of a large brown bottle. She poured it into his mouth, and he felt it burn soothingly as he swallowed it.

The room began to go dark, and Raezyr couldn't tell if it was his eyelids or his mind that was making it so.

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