June 19, 2009

463. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

The two made it slowly back towards the monastery, with their conversation becoming increasingly hushed as they continually got closer to what could always be prying ears. They certainly already had enough interest about them from some of the locals, and didn't need much more before they were ready.

They agreed that their best course of action was going to be to simply ask Mannix when the best time was to meet Varth. They weren't sure yet how they would approach the situation, as whatever they told the boy could certainly give him the wrong idea or the right one, and they were unsure as to which was what at this point.

"We'll figure something out before we talk to Mannix..." Trychon assured his younger brother.

"You mean you're going to wing it." Raezyr laughed out loud, but quietly.

Trychon pointed to the small groups of figures they were approaching at the edge of the trees. "Well, now that we have that figured out we should be getting back."

The figures were wandering around slowly but purposefully. Most of them seemed to be heading to their various homes. As Trychon and Raezyr joined them on the paths, they began to notice they were getting more looks than before. Trychon did his best not to look as though he noticed as he made his way back to Mathias' hut, knowing that Raezyr would follow his lead, as he'd become increasingly good at doing.

The sideways glances continued as they passed several more groups of monks along the way. When they arrived back at the hut, Mannix was sitting casually on the ground to the side of the doorway. He was fidgeting with a few small pebbles on the path, but he stood up abruptly when they approached.

"Where were you guys tonight? You missed the Ceremony of the Wispy Moon." The young man was clearly upset as he brushed his legs off.

Trychon put his hand on Mannix's shoulder. "We're just starting to get acclimated Mannix. We didn't really feel it was our place to take part." He didn't want to tell him that they had completely forgotten about it, and hadn't really wanted to attend in the first place.

"Well, everyone noticed. I think even more will doubt me now." Mannix sighed.

Raezyr did his best to only let a little of his annoyance make its way into his voice. "How many times do we have to tell you not to worry about them? You know what's in your heart, and little else matters."

Trychon saw his opportunity, and spoke just as Mannix was taking another deep breath. "Listen Mannix, we talked about it... and just for you, we want to speak with Varth. Maybe he can shed some light on all of this for us." Trychon watched as the boy's face was overcome with a large smile. "We don't want more attention though, so we need your help finding a time we can speak to him without everyone knowing about it."

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