June 10, 2009

453. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

Raezyr didn't go on his walks with Saffron the next day, citing the need to keep an eye on his progress as his reason. While that was true, he also felt the need to try and get a chance to talk with Trychon before doing anything else... and their hut had already begun to fall under closer scrutiny. As much as Raezyr felt calmed by the garden, he simply felt it could wait.

While the monastery as a whole continued to follow the now official rule of leaving the two secret Sith alone for the time being, the traffic on the path that went by their hut had certainly increased since the young boy Saffron had told them was named Mannix had run off to tell everyone about Trychon's yellow eyes. Brother Monahan and the other elders came in to visit much more often with Brother Odilo, though Trychon kept sensing their arrival and feigning sleep. Raezyr wasn't sure after the fourth or fifth time if he was still avoiding them, or if he was merely doing it for amusement.

When Brother Odilo left them alone in the hut while Saffron was already out gathering some herbs, Trychon sat up and turned to let his legs hang off of his bed, clearly starting to catch up to Raezyr's recovery, despite being unconscious for several more days. He decided to risk the chance of eavesdroppers, though not much as he whispered as quietly as he could. "It's still there... the feeling. We need to get out of here to talk."

Raezyr nodded and matched his brother's whisper. "Yeah... there's a garden we've been going to for exercise. I never noticed the feeling there."

"I doubt it. I don't know what it is. Sometimes I feel like I'm being listened to, but then later I'll feel like I was paranoid for it. I don't know if they can actually sense our thoughts or not. I almost feel like I just don't know what to expect from any of them. We need to get away from the whole area... when I can, that is."

"I'll ask Saffron where we could go next time we're alone in here." Raezyr agreed.

"Alone, eh?" Trychon winked before lying back down as he felt a presence approaching their walls once again.

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