June 19, 2009

462. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

It took several more days of working with Mathias at the forge before Raezyr stopped waking up with sore muscles. It was still tough work, but it was good. It was also interesting to see at the end of the day, the things that he had helped create. It gave him a sense of connection with the monks, and he thought they might feel the same way, which would eventually help in the subversion they were trying to create.

Once he started getting used to the hard work, he also didn't feel so exhausted at the end of the day, and Trychon and he decided to take some 'walks' in the evening. After supper, on their first outing, they slipped their light sabers into the pockets on the inside of their robes and headed for the spot down by the river that Saffron had showed them.

The cool evening air felt good, after the hot stuffiness of the blacksmith shop all day. And they sat and talked for a bit before sparring. It was the first time they'd really had an opportunity to talk by themselves in days.

They briefly discussed how their jobs were going. Trychon was gaining some useful knowledge that reminded him of the things he had read about with Sith alchemy, and Raezyr could already tell this physical strength was growing, which was always a good thing.

"You know what's really been eating at me?" Trychon commented. "How we're gonna get off this damn tech-less rock. The shuttle comm is gone. My data pad is gone, or we could have gotten a message out that way, and then their 'emergency' comm was probably built before the hyperdrive was invented. And did I mention my data pad was slagged?"

"Hey, shake it off. We'll figure something out. Vikon has to have a ship here somewhere. He wasn't just dropped off. We'll hitch a ride out with him after we're done here. Besides," Raezyr continued, "Your data pad can be replaced. Don't sweat the small stuff."

Trychon just glared at Raezyr as the younger man stood up and began stretching a bit and pulling out his lightsaber hilts. He suspected Raezyr was just ribbing him about the data pad, but Trychon didn't find it funny. He stood up and snapped on his own lightsaber, twirling it around and relished the hum as it whirled through the evening air.

Raezyr finished stretching and took up a fighting stance. He pushed the activation switches with his thumbs, and the blue short blade hummed to life. The red lightsaber only sparked and crackled.

This time it was Raezyr's turn to cuss. Trychon only chuckled. "Now who needs to shake it off?"

"Shut up, Trych," Raezyr growled. He sat down and took the cylinder apart, and cussed further. "I can't fix this mess here... if this is even fixable," he commented, swearing even more as he poked around.

Finally, he put it back together and tucked it away. He looked about as angry as Trychon felt over his data pad. "I guess it's advantage: Trychon," he grumbled, snapping on the smaller blade.

They sparred for about 45 minutes until it began getting too dark to see, and for once, Trychon found that he won more matches than he lost, but attributed the success to the longer reach of his own lightsaber.

They finally packed it in and headed back to the village, discussing how best to go see this Varth, without being seen.

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