June 05, 2009

449. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

Sensing Saffron's presence enter the hut, Raezyr opened his eyes and looked about. He could see the early morning light stream in through the windows and the unusual sound of the native birds penetrated the walls with their melodic songs.

Saffron held a tray in both her hands and brought it over, setting it down on Raezyr's lap as he shifted himself into a sitting position. The smell of the warm food drifted into his nostrils, making him awakening his hunger. Eagerly he spooned a bite of the stew-like substance out of the wooden bowl and into his mouth. It was good, hearty food, not overly spiced, but not bland, either.

Saffron smiled at him for a moment as he ate, then walked over to the amulet that hung from the ceiling and took it down, placing it around her neck. She walked over to Trychon and touched it to his forehead. Raezyr watched as the gem in the center of the medallion glowed briefly, then faded away again. She turned and walked over to Raezyr, repeating what she had done with Trychon. He could feel a sensation which could only be described as warm liquid flowing from the spot the amulet touched on his head and continued as it spread over his whole body. When it faded, he noticed that not only had the pain in his body subsided, but he felt refreshed and invigorating.

He could sense that the energies produced by the amulet were from the Force, but he asked about it anyway. "Do you mind if I ask what that necklace is?"

"This is one of the Amulets of Power. Our people have six of them. The most powerful is worn by our leader, Father Monahan. Four are worn by the the Elders, who make up our High Council, and this one belongs to the chief Healer, Brother Odilo. Someday, when I become the chief Healer, it will belong to me," she explained as she placed the amulet back where she had gotten it from.

"What do they do? Can anyone use them?" Raezyr asked as he finished the last of his breakfast. He was hoping he came across as only curious for curiosity sake.

"Well, this one is for healing. That's common knowledge. As for the others, only those who wear them, and those destined to wear them have full knowledge of their powers," she said, sitting down in the chair next to Raezyr's bed.

"Now let me ask you a question. How are you feeling?"

"Much better. Especially after you used that jewel thingy."

"Good. I was hoping you'd be up to going for small walk. I have this crutch for you here." She indicated the wooden staff with padded crook on the top leaning against the wall. "The Temple Garden is only a short distance from here, and I think the fresh air and sunshine might do you some good."

"I think I can manage," he said.

Saffron stood up and removed the tray with the empty bowl from his lap. "First, I'd like you to drink some of this tea. It's bitter, but it should help with the pain and it has natural healing properties."

She poured some of the hot purple liquid into a small wooden cup and handed it to him. He sniffed it, and the acrid steam stung his nose, then took a small sip. It was bitter and he made a face, at which Saffron giggled slightly. He chuckled quietly himself, then swallowed the rest in one gulp, the hot liquid uncomfortably warm as it went down. Immediately she handed him a cup of water to wash it down, and he swished a little to rinse before gulping that down as well.

He exchanged the cup for the crutch as he swung his legs out of bed. He stood, gingerly testing his weight for a moment, and decided he was thankful for the crutch, as his back and left leg spasmed a bit with the effort.

"Do you need some help?" she asked, genuine concern on her face.

"No, I'll manage." Despite the fact that some help would have been nice, his pride wouldn't let him accept any more than was absolutely necessary.

He felt the draft of the breeze as they stepped outside into the sunshine and he shielded his eyes for a moment, until they adjusted to the brightness. It suddently dawned on him that they had taken his armor off, and dressed him in loose robes. He had been too preoccupied the night before to really notice, but now he felt as ridiculous as the Jedi looked.

"Where's my armor? My things?" He asked as he followed her along the well worn dirt path.

"Armor? Oh, the blue plating you were wearing? It's safe. We cleaned it as best we could, and both Trychon's and your things were put away in a cabinet back in the Healer's Hut," she told him.

The gate to the gardens was only a short distance further and once inside she led him to small grassy clearing next to a small babbling brook which ran through. At first glance, it appeared the gardens just grew wild, but upon closer inspection, he realized that each plant was well taken care of. The trees were pruned neatly and no old leaves or twigs which fell were anywhere to be seen. Here and there, he could see small alcoves in the bushes which held benches, cleverly concealed so as to give the appearance that they were a part of nature. Looking up, he could see the outline of the blue gas giant, Bermatrix, hanging in the sky, along with the white disk of another of the giant planet's moons.

He lounged back on the grass, enjoying the feel the of the cool grass, and warm sun, and the soothing sound of the brook, mingling with the song of the birds for a while and Saffron seemed content to let him be, sitting quietly herself.

"This place is beautiful," Raezyr commented after a bit.

"Yes, it is one of my favorite places. It was built by our ancestors so we could meditate and worship in peacefulness, without the sounds of daily life to interrupt us," she informed him.

"Tell me about your religion. Whom do you worship?" Raezyr asked.

"It's not a 'who,' but a 'what,'" Saffron explained. "We worship the Force, in it's natural state, and all it encompasses. It's energies flow all around us and through us, through the trees, the grass, the birds, you, me, even the planet itself."

"I... I trained with the Jedi for a while, so I understand the Force somewhat, but are you like the Jedi? Can you all use the Force?"

"Oh, no. We aren't like the Jedi at all. We are truly peaceful. The Jedi proclaim peace and harmony, but then carry the instruments of violence. And they use the Force for their own purposes, while those few of us who can use the Force, only do so to restore the balance of nature," she said, pulling her knees to her chin and wrapping her arms around them.

"Take you for example. Your natural state is to be healthy and uninjured, so we call upon the Force to restore that natural state. Any other use is strictly forbidden, but only a few of us can touch the Force, and when the Council identifies one of use who can, their talents are studied and then it is decided where their place is: either to join the council or to be a healer, but for each place, there can be one person, and one journeyman. For example, Brother Odilo is the healer, and I am his journeyman. When Odilo's spirit becomes one with the Force, then I will be the Healer and a successor for me will be looked for.

"Each of us has their place, though. As we grow to adulthood, our talents and interests are closely examined, and our trades are determined, and we then apprentice to learn that trade, so just because your father was a farmer, or gardener, doesn't mean that your trade will be the same." When she finished, she smiled at him and rested her cheek on her knees.

"Now why don't you tell me about Raezyr and Trychon. How do you come to be here?" she asked.

Oh, boy. Here it is. I wish Trych were here, he'd know what to say, he thought to himself before speaking. "Not much to tell, really. I grew up, as an apprentice to a Jedi, but I never understood their duality. Just like you said, I wondered at how I was supposed to be at peace, and yet wield a weapon.

"When I was old enough, I left the order, and found my older brother. He had been alone and on his own most of his life, and I taught him what I knew of the Force. We used that knowledge to keep us alive, and have been striving to learn more about it. We have roamed about the galaxy for some time now, with only the Force as our guide and our hearts as our moral compass.

"We were traveling to a new place, for a job when our shuttle's hyperdrive went haywire, and we ended up in this system. Then we hit a small asteroid and had to make an emergency landing. I had wondered why our ship broke down out here in the middle of no where, but now I think it was the will of the Force." When Raezyr finished, he looked over and grinned sheepishly, hoping she would buy it.

Apparently she did. "I think I would have to agree," she said, smiling.

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