June 03, 2009

442. Maninpulation of Emotion - Raezyr

"Still, we need to check, brother," said Saffron as she pushed past Baldemar. She unhooked the hose on the fire extinguisher and began spraying the wreckage down. The flames were already beginning to subside as the craft cooled and the natural moisture of the jungle resisted the fire.

Several of the monks got to work moving debris and wreckage out of the way, clearing a path to the hatch on the fuselage. Once that was done, Mannix jumped in with a crow bar, and with the help of Baldemar and another of their order, pried the door open.

The two blood brothers strapped on breather masks, then entered the ship and looked around. Smoke filled the air as sparks shot out of holes in the bulkheads where components had previously been. Wires and conduits cluttered what once were open spaces, requiring them to duck under and crawl over numerous bits of wreckage as they made their way to the the cockpit area of the small space craft.

"Look!" Mannix said excitedly, his voice muted by the mask over his mouth and nose.

Baldemar peered through the smoke to see what his younger brother was excited about. He saw two figures strapped into their seats in the bridge area. Both wore black cloaks, and while the one in the co-pilots seat wore plain black fatigues, the other had on a set of black and midnight blue armor, his helm still in place.

Baldemar moved Mannix out of his way so he could get to the bodies. He could see that his little brother was all excited at the discovery. "Calm down, Mannix. There's little chance they are alive."

He bent over the armored figure and carefully removed the man's helmet so as not to disturb anything. He noticed the scar running vertically on the man's face and noted it disappeared int a white shock of hair at the hair line.

Suddenly the man groaned and his eyes fluttered a bit, causing Baldemar to nearly jump out of his skin. He quickly turned to the other figure. Blood trickled down the man's face from a wound on the scalp somewhere under his dark brown hair. He placed his fingers along the carotid artery and felt for a pulse.

His head snapped up and he barked at his little brother. "Get some help in here! And get the stretchers ready. We need a healer! Tell Sister Saffron she has patients!"

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