February 10, 2009

273. Anchorhead - Raezyr

They boarded their ships after HK-51 had finished loading their supplies and lifted off. Within moments, they exited the atmosphere and piloted to the destination at which the Twilight Stalker should be dropping out of hyperspace.

An hour and a half went by and the students made small talk over the comm while they waited a short distance outside the Tatoo System.

"So what was that girls name, Tyr," Anya asked.

"Her name was Dianna Kingsdoom. She's beautiful. A human girl with shoulder length red hair. She'd be about 22 by now....." Tyrrazapon said, trailing off a bit at the end as if thought.

"And what is her father's name," Raezyr interjected, hoping to bring Tyrrazapon out of his reverie.

"What? Oh, uh... his name was Karle," Tyrrazapon answered, coming back to the present. "He calls his base the 'King's Lair.' Cheesy, I know, but that's what it is."

Suddenly a ship dropped out of hyperspace right in front of them. It was the Stalker.

"Galaxy Flyer to unidentified ships.... um.... identify yourselves," came a voice over the comm.

No one responded, and Trychon went to work. They watched, and within moments every hatch on his new ship opened, sucking all sorts of cargo and other flotsam out into the vacuum of space.

As the hatches closed, Raezyr closed the distance and docked. He put on an enviro suit and as planned, made a quick tour of the Stalker. He found one crewman still barely alive in on board. The man had managed to get an air tank on. He probably wouldn't make it, but Raezyr made sure anyway then returned to his own ship.

"All clear. Let's go pick up the rest of our supplies, then off to the King's Lair," he said into the comm once he was seated back in the cockpit of the Jet Razor.

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