April 04, 2009

364. THX 1138 - Raezyr

After a brief halt for lunch they continued. Aitchkay had reported finding nothing at their destination, and when Raezyr and Trychon arrived, they were a bit disheartened.

They stood at the base of a large tree covered knoll, with nothing of interest in sight. They could feel the presence of the Dark Side more strongly in this place than they had anywhere else, and knew this had to be the place, but there was nothing. They had hoped to find a building, or at least the remnant of one.

They spent the rest of the afternoon searching the area, not knowing exactly what they were looking for, and by nightfall, they almost felt like giving up.

They set up camp for the night, started a fire, and had a bite to eat. They were thankful to finally have something a bit tastier than emergency ration bars, although in reality it wasn't much better.

After their wounds were tended to, and they had a few stims to stem the pain, they settled in to sleep, thankful to have their sleeping bags once again. They decided that a good night's sleep might give them a new perspective on things.

That night, Raezyr dreamed about a man who was covered in strange symbols. The tattoos were somehow familiar to him, but recognition of where he'd seen them eluded him. In his dream, the man was desperate to hide something precious, although Raezyr was never able to see what that thing was. The tattooed man eventually sat the object on the ground and began to shovel dirt onto it. He kept shoveling, mounding the dirt higher and higher, until it became a mountain.

Raezyr woke up, and looked around. It was still dark, but he was pretty sure the meaning of the dream was obvious. He went back to sleep, knowing they were in the right place.

The next morning he discussed the dream with Trychon, and they agreed that it meant the library was somewhere under the large knoll, the base of which they were currently camped.

Knowing where it was, though, wouldn't be of much help, unless they could figure out how to get in.

"I just keep thinking that if they hid they library in the hill, then they must have left some way to get in, although that's probably hidden as well," Raezyr commented.

After a brief discussion they decided to meditate. The location had come in a dream, and maybe the way in would reveal itself in a similar manner.

Sitting down, they sank into their trance and linked their minds. It wasn't long before they opened their eyes and looked at each other.

Trychon grinned as they walked over to a small moss covered boulder. Together they removed as much moss as they could, finally locating the hand shaped groove in the stone.

Trychon placed his hand in the groove, then let the dark side of the Force flow through him and into the stone.

They heard a grating and grinding sound coming from a group of bushes. Forcing their way through they found an open doorway, built to blend in with the hillside.

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