April 08, 2009

370. THX 1138 - Raezyr

"Now that we're in, we need to figure out where the generators are and get them back on. The holocrons will come second to that. Let's just get these terminal stations back online," Raezyr said. They decided that since Trychon was more experienced with Sith symbols, he'd stay in the library and try to cipher something out, while Aitchkay and Raezyr would try to poke around and see what they could find.

As Trychon pulled out his data pad to begin studying, the other two began wandering around the library, looking for other exits. After a few moments they found a small door on the back wall between two sets of the intricately carved stone bookshelves that stretched all the way to the ceiling. It was the first closed door they had encountered since the incident in the doppelganger room.

Raezyr noticed a shallow groove which appeared to be a finger hold, and using it, pulled. It gave only slightly with the familiar grinding sound that everything down here seemed to have. Aitchkay stepped in and caught the edge of his fingertips in the small gap that had opened, and together they heaved, pulling the door open far enough for them to squeeze through.

The stepped into what appeared to be some sort of a maintenance tube, with ferrocrete walls and durasteel floors. The ceiling and walls were lined with conduits, pipes and ducts of all shapes and sizes. Aitchkay estimated that this portion of the library seemed to be much newer than what they had previously seen.

"Good work, Captain Obvious," Raezyr commented snidely to the droid. Aitchkay cocked his metal head to the side in a questioning manner. "The writing here is in basic. Makes it kind of a no brainer."

"Admonishment: No need to be rude, Master."

"Huck, just figure out which way would be a more logical location for the power generators, okay?" Raezyr asked as they studied the corridor.

"Suggestion: I would assume that since we never detected a major power source from the Jet Razor that the generators must be located fairly deep, and since this tunnel slopes downward, my calculations would put the generators in that direction," the droid said, pointing down the hall.

Raezyr informed Trychon of their current findings using the Force as Aitchkay and he moved quickly down the tube. They hurried downward for what seemed a half of a kilometer before finally coming to a large stone door which halfway open.

The door was clearly of ancient origin, and so was the large room on the other side. Aitchkay and Raezyr stepped inside and looked around the room with their lights.

Raezy closed his eyes and called to Trychon.

What is it? came the reply.

Just get down here, I'm going to need some help on this one.

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