April 14, 2009

377. THX 1138 - Raezyr

After a while, they made it back to the hanger of the Installation with little trouble despite the fact that it was late. The decided it was too late to head out and bunked down in the living quarters of the hidden Sith base for the evening, planning on loading the swoop first thing in the morning, then heading out to pick up the Razor.

Raezyr spread his bed roll on the bunk in the room he had chosen. He read a few chapters in the tome he had chosen from the library. It detailed ancient Sith war strategies and battle techniques, and more importantly, it dealt with specific hand to hand combat techniques.

After a bit, he closed the tome and mediated on what he had just read, envisioning the techniques and seeing himself incorporate them into sequences, and committing them to his memory for later use.

Finally he laid down and pulled the covers up. That night he had a strange dream. He heard a voice calling to him, as if it were across a vast gulf. He had the strange sensation that what the voice was saying was important, but he was unable to make out the words that were being said. The next morning he thought about the dream, but shrugged it off as spending the night in an unfamiliar place.

After a brief breakfast, they loaded up their gear and drove down the tunnel to the hangar. They fired up the engines of the Twilight Stalker and Trychon flew them to where they had begun their journey across this strange, Dark Side enhanced planet.

Trychon switched the ship back over to remote control and after getting calculations from the navi-computer, programmed in the return trip to Hoth. The stood on the ground outside of Raezyr's ship and watched as the large transport roared its way out of the atmosphere.

It didn't take Raezyr long to get his ship into space, once they boarded, and shortly thereafter they watched as the mottled blue of hyperspace swirled and streaked past the transparisteel cockpit windows.

"I suppose we had better send a message to Lord Eiron as soon as possible," Raezyr said as he stood up from the captain's chair. He looked over to Trychon for some feedback, but the older man was engrossed in the tome that he had opened on his lap.

Raezyr chuckled a bit to himself as he put on his helm and moved over to the holotransmitter. Not knowing if his master would be able to receive the transmission, he set it to record.

He thought about what he would say for a few minutes before beginning. He didn't want to give away any names or locations, or reveal exactly what they had found, in case the message was intercepted by the Jedi or the Republic.

Stepping onto the transmitter plate, Raezyr dropped to one knee and bowed his head in respect and submission. "My Lord, we have accomplished the first task that you set before us. We have located the source of knowledge and removed from it the most important of the items you described, as per your instructions. As soon as we can, we shall make our move to complete the second of the errands you have commanded us to complete.

"Failing to hear further from you, we will continue on the path you have set before us. May the Force serve you, my Master."

Raezyr stood up and played the message back. Satisfied that it was sufficient he programmed the system to transmit the recording as soon as came out of hyperspace.

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