April 21, 2009

386. Hoth: King's Lair - Trychon

The two Sith struggled through trying to access another holocron with no success, and were beginning to become irritated at the holocrons in general. Their concentration was starting to wane, and they decided to try one more before taking a break for a few hours.

They set the third holocron down in the center of the room, and got back into their meditative stances, and began to clear their minds. Doing everything they could to pull back out the intense feelings they were drawing on before, they finally heard a noise. They looked up, to see the holocron sitting in front of them with no signs of disturbance.

They both got to their feet, prepared to concede this battle, when one of the other holocrons began to light up and float towards them. When it made its way to the center of the room and hovered over the other holocron they'd intended to activate, it stopped.

They stared at it silently for several moments. Raezyr stretched out with one hand, and was about to take a step towards it when Trychon and Raezyr both felt the dark side energy they'd built up swell around them. Instinctively, they raised their force defenses just in time as the holocron spat out short bursts of lightning at them.

Their defenses were not sufficient to defeat the attack, but they were both able to withstand it without giving up ground to the artifact. The onslaught didn't last very long though, as it seemed that the holocron had deemed them ready or worthy.

Nothing happened again for a few moments, although it felt to them as though the holocron itself was gathering energy. They weren't sure yet if that were the case or even theoretically possible. Either way, they watched as the holocron began to spin, and then the light began to dim from the room. Specifically, light began to disappear in the center of the room, and it was darkened throughout the room surrounding, almost as if there was a miniature black hole there. The darkness took the rough shape of a shadow with no actual features. It was hard to make out the outline of the shadow, but it appeared to be similar to a regular humanoid covered in a cloak and hood.

Then, where the hood would have been, two eyes appeared, shining a bright yellow around the dark pupils. The eyes shifted back and forth between the two Sith. Unsure what to do or say, or what they were looking at, they stood still.

The eyes blinked once. Then again a moment later. Finally, an impatient voice boomed into their heads. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU NEED?

Raezyr and Trychon looked at each other and then back to the Eyes. Trychon spoke first. "We need teachings."


Raezyr spoke next. "We aren't sure, exactly. His last instructions were for us to find you." It was technically true, and Raezyr figured it was a safe bet until proven otherwise... the holocron was more likely to have an ego than the ability to sense a lie or hidden truth.

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