April 30, 2009

401. Flight of The Decoy - Trychon

They had no problems finding the cruiser. It was too hard to hide from them. Getting access remained a larger issue. The ship had been badly damaged by Raezyr's attack, and was under very heavy repair. When they first came across it all of the crew, including officers, had been relocated or temporarily evacuated. The only persons going on board were shipyard crew.

They could have forced or sneaked their way on while the ship was under remodeling... but it would have been harder or impossible to cover up their work. Maintenance workers were scrutinized closely for specifically the sorts of things that Tyrrazapon and Anya had hoped to do.

After several weeks, the ship would start allowing some of the crew to relocate back onto their native quarters and either help the shipyard crew or do their own work. Tyrrazapon and Anya agreed to wait until that time came to get Trychon's program installed.

While they waited for the opportune time, they hopped in and out of the system somewhat erratically, as any normal ship crew might that worked one small quadrant. They'd stay for a few days onboard the shipyard ring, pretending to enjoy some simple down time... and then they'd hop on board the Wraith again to disappear for a few days, keeping a close eye on the traffic in and out of the system, just to be careful.

They had disagreed a bit about the other half of their mission. They couldn't figure out when or where the best time to make an appearance and stir up some trouble in the Wasted Rancor. After many heated debates, with both parties changing their thoughts over and over... they finally agreed that they could make an appearance right before the cruiser was set to head out to space again.

They would likely have a week or so as a window where the ship had almost full access again to the crew... but before it made its second maiden flight.

In the mean time, they were falling back almost to older versions of themselves. Tyrrazapon was making acquaintance with the crew by taking small portions of their money at the Pazaak table... without making too many enemies. Anya was making contacts by acting like she was more like her more friendly older self. She was getting more attention from the crew, but she kept them at bay for the moment.

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