April 08, 2009

368. THX 1138 - Raezyr

They discussed which door they should take for a few minutes, and in the end they decided that they should try each one for a short distance, and if one seemed easier than the others, they'd follow that one.

Choosing the door on the left first, they approached it once again, and it opened. Once they had all taken a few steps into the hall, the door closed behind them.

"I hope there's another way out of here. These doors closing behind us like this is getting a bit worrisome," Raezyr commented as they looked over the closed door. Unable to find a way to reopen the portal, they continued on down the hallway as it was the only option left open to them.

After a short distance the corridor took a right hand turn and opened into a large room nearly 30 meters across. The other end of the room was in shadows, although they could make out an exit to what appeared to be another hallway on the far wall.

They began walking across the room, alert for anything that may try to take them by surprise when they noticed three figures approaching from the other side. Raezyr raised his fist to signal the others to stop.

Across the room the lead figure did the same.

"Identify yourselves!" Raezyr called out to the figures on the other side of the room, but his voice was the only sound as it echoed back to him.

"What do you think, Trych?" Raezyr asked in a whisper.

"I don't know," Trychon responded, whispering as well. He stretched out with his feelings, and although he could sense the other beings, their consciousnesses seemed distant and muted, like looking at an old weather-worn sign. "There's something wrong with them, like they're not really there at all."

"I get that same feeling," Raezyr replied. "Aitchkay... blast 'em."

The droid lifted his blaster carbine and open fired on the lead figure. At the same instant, one of the figures on the other side of the room did the same. Blaster bolts streaked across the room toward Raezyr and he snapped on his blue lightsaber deflecting the lasers as they came at him.

"Cease fire! Cease fire!" Trychon yelled and the droid complied. "Look!" he said, pointing at the lead figure on the other side.

Raezyr looked and saw that the lead person there was also holding a blue lightsaber. Reaching under his cloak, he pulled out his red blade and ignited that one as well. At the exact same moment, the other person pulled out a red blade and ignited his.

"What in the name of the Ancient Sith Lords!" exclaimed Raezyr. He stood there for a moment, then crossed his lightsabers in front of him, the blades crackling and hissing as they touched, and the figure across from him did the same. Raezyr then flowed through a few of the form sequences, some which he had developed on his own, and the other lightsaber wielder mirrored his movements exactly.

"No way," exclaimed Trychon. "We gotta check this out." The three trotted forward and the figures across the room advanced as well, meeting them in the center of the room.

The stared in amazement as the other figures emerged from the shadows. They were looking at exact mirror images of themselves.

Raezyr sidestepped to the left, and his doppelganger mirrored his movement, sidestepping to it's right. He deactivated this lightsabers, and the mirror image did the same. He reached out with his index finger and pressed it against the other Raezyr's finger. "It feels real enough. We can't walk through them."

Trychon suddenly stepped forward and stood right in front of his double, then gave his doppelganger a high five. Trychon turned to Aitchkay and Raezyr. "I've always wanted to give myself a high five," he said, his face plastered with the usual grin.

Raezyr rolled his eyes. "This is serious Trych. We have to figure out a way around these things."

Trychon sighed. "Alright, Darth Fun-hater."

Raezyr ignored the comment and turned to the others. "Any ideas?"

"Commentary: This situation defies any logic. Force will be met by force in kind. Any successful hits would damage both real units and mirror units in kind."

"I know. That's the dilemma. We can't walk around them. We can't kill them with out killing ourselves," Raezyr said. "Huck, are your sensors able to pick up any power sources that could be some sort of image projectors?"

"Negative, Master. I already thought of that."

Raezyr and the droid turned as Trychon turned on his blade, his doppelganger doing likewise. "Here goes nothing," he said.

"Don't do it, Trych," Raezyr said. "You're going to kill yourself."

"Oh, I don't think so," he replied, and swung his blade at Raezyr's mirror image. At the same instant, Trychon's doppelganger struck as well, the black blades piercing the chest of the respective Raezyrs.

Raezyr watched as the energy blade entered his chest, burning pain rippling throughout his body. His sight wavered and everything went dark.

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