April 24, 2009

394. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

Raezyr stood up and paced back and forth across the lounge, contemplating what he had just learned. After a few minutes, he walked down the corridor to the door to Trychon's berth. He was about to hit the buzzer, when Trychon spoke from inside, "It's open, Raez."

Trychon had been witness to the conversation, although in his sleep, it had seemed more that he was listening to a conversation taking place in the next room. Raezyr's sudden state of shock finally pulled him out of the dream, and he had sat up trying to sort out exactly what had been said.

Raezyr opened the door and stepped inside the small cabin. Trychon was sitting on the edge of his bunk. "I assume you heard, then?" Raezyr asked.

"Only vaguely. Run it by me again, in case I misunderstood, will you?"

Raezyr related what Darth Vikon had said, that he was on Alatx 3, that he wanted them to come to him, and that he had revealed that the two of them were half brothers. "So what do you make of that?"

Trychon got up slowly, scratching his head, then puffing up his cheeks and exhaling through pursed lips. He reached over and grabbed his shirt and slipped it over his head before answering. "Well, I don't know exactly. I suppose we should hug. It's what brothers do, right?" he said and spread his arms wide, stepping towards Raezyr with a somber look on his face.

Raezyr put out his hand and placed his palm in the middle of Trychon's chest, holding him at arms length. "Trych, if you hug me, I'm going to punch you."

Trychon put down his arms and chuckled. "Seriously, I don't know what to make of it. I was passed around the town as a sort of 'adopted son' back home, but I've never had any actual family before. I don't really know what do with this. Do you remember your parents at all?"

"No, I don't. I never had anyone either, besides Master. She was the closest thing I had to a mother, but it was still more of a student-teacher relationship than anything else, and any time I asked about my parents, she either changed the subject, or told me it was for another time.

"The one time she did speak about them, she told me that they were killed by the Jedi when they came to take me to Coruscant, and that she rescued me, but she never would discuss the exact circumstances. She did say that she picked me up on Reytha, but I don't know if that was actually my home planet or not." Raezyr folded his arms and leaned against the bulkhead as he finished.

"Now I'm curious to see where your shuttle picked you up from. I wonder if that isn't my home planet as well," Raezyr pondered aloud.

"Well, the townspeople said I just wandered into town one day, and no one in the region recognized me or had any idea about where I might have come from. Prior to that, I really have no memory." Suddenly Trychon grinned. "You know this calls for a drink, right?"

Raezyr laughed in return. "What doesn't?"

They made their way back to the lounge. Trychon slid into the bench at the table while Raezyr grabbed a couple of ales from the refrigeration unit and a couple of tankards from a cabinet. He emptied the ale containers into the mugs and set them on the table as he slid in across from Trychon and lifted his beverage to in a toast.

"To brothers, by blood as well as the Sith," Trychon said, raising his own tankard and clinking it with Raezyr's.

"Half," Raezyr corrected.

"What's a half-Sith?" Trychon asked.

"Shut up and drink, Trych," Raezyr said as they both took long drinks of the cold, carbonated amber liquid.

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