January 13, 2009

189. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Eiron

Eiron approached GIAS with his hands folded in his robe. The doors were barred and, before easing them open with Telekinesis, he disabled the alarm with the Force. That done, he slipped inside, stealthy as the shadows themselves.

The turbolift was still active. He assumed that when he used it without the proper keycard, another alarm would sound, (it was after hours, after all) and he was right. Again, he disconnected the alarm with the Force.

There were no alarms after that, as Sloan's ID allowed him easy access to the vaults. He withdrew a scanner from his belt pouch and picked out his tracer coin.

He assessed the sheer amount of credits, gold and jewels around him and grinned. This would make a fine addition to his treasury. If only he could keep them.

"Lys, come in."

The AI responded immediately. "Yep. What's up?"

"Bring Phobia to my coordinates."

"You're inside a building."

"Blow a hole in the wall."

"The Republic will be on us in minutes."

"We don't need to get much."

"I'll trust you."

A minute later, the building shook as Lys hammered the side of the building with Phobia's laser cannons. Eiron had gathered up the boxes of jewels, the most valuable items in the vault, and loaded them on his ship.

"Release a proton torpedo."

"Fire it?"

"Release it."

Lys allowed one of the torpedoes to slip out of its launch bay. Eiron picked it up with the Force and placed it inside of the vault.

"All right, let's go."

Eiron boarded and took control of the ship, sending it streaking through the Coruscant night. They detonated the torpedo as they flew away. GIAS shook and then began to crumble.

"That'll perk the Revenants up," Eiron said, smiling and observing Lys's holographic shape. "You pilot us, and go pick up Sloan at the Woolyman Club. I'll contact the apprentices."

Eiron gathered the Force upon himself and then sent out a mental call, ordering his students to comm him as soon as they could. The plan was moving along smoothly; soon, they would take action.

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