January 23, 2009

201. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Raezyr

Nylan lay on the ground holding the wound in her chest. She coughed, and when she did, blood erupted from her mouth and ran down her pale cheek.

Anya wiped off her vibro blade with the padawan's robes and replaced it in her boot.

"I'm going to have to remember you have that," Tyrrazapon chuckled as he clasped his hand on Anya's shoulder in congratulations.

The twi'lek feebley reached over trying to grasp Tyrrazapon's cloak. He roughly kicked her hand away as he watched her attempting to take her last breaths. "Don't touch me, worm," he sneered.

Trychon walked over and looked down at the padawan. "Anya, get your blade and finish this. As much as we'd like to sit here and watch, I'm sure some sort of backup will be arriving soon."

Anya quickly jaunted to the alley and retrieved her hilt. She snapped it on as she returned. The girl looked up at Anya and tried to say something, but she only coughed more blood.

"Who's the weak one now, bitch?" she said and drove the red blade into the Padawan's forehead.

While that was taking place, Raezyr had walked over to the Nautolan who was holding the stump of her leg. He could sense her using the Force in an attempt to surpress the pain, as he lowered his red lightsaber to her chest. He could feel the pull of the new crystal, almost as if it longed to be sated by Jedi blood.

"She was my friend," the Jedi said, looking up at Raezyr's masked face.

"Then you will be pleased to know you shall be reunited with her soon," Raezyr retorted.

"I'll not be forgettin dis soon, Sidth," she said.

Raezyr could read the resolve behind her unblinking black eyes. Somewhere deep down inside, he admired the strength she was showing, despite her imminent death.

"Tell me you hate me. Make me believe it, and I shall let you live," Raezyr said.

"I do not hate you. I pity you," she said, but they both knew that it wasn't the complete truth.

"In that case, your life shall be snuffed out, just as your friend's was," he said and he raised the red blade over his head and prepared to bring it down and end the Jedi's life.

Suddenly a hail of blaster bolts came streaking at Raezyr and he just barely reacted in time to start deflecting them. He had been so focused on killing the Jedi that he haddn't even noticed the troop carrier speeder land until the 30 Republic Judicials opened fire.

Anya, Tyrrazapon and Trychon had ducked into the alley the moment the Judicials had landed. They stood there waiting for Raezyr now, but he stubbornly held his ground, deflecting bolts like he had never done before, hoping for one slight opening so he could kill this female Nautolan.

"Raezyr! C'mon, Let's get out of here!" Tyrrazapon yelled from the alley.

Knowing he was right, Raezyr started backing his way toward the alley. He wasn't even trying to redirect at this point. It was taking everything he had just to deflect. It helped that the blade seemed to move of it's own accord.

"We'll meet again Raezah, I can feel it," Talla said, still holding the stub of her right leg.

"Yes.... we will. And I will take another piece of you when we do," Raezyr said and ducked into the alley, running at full speed.

Why did I say that? he wondered, and yet, I somehow know it's true.

He was halfway down the alley when the blaster bolts started flying past him again. Clearly the Judicials didn't plan on letting them get away.

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