January 26, 2009

227. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Trychon

Tyrrazapon spoke loudly and projected his voice throughout the cabin. "Everyone please remain in your seats and remain calm! We have no intention of killing anyone right now, and it would serve everyone to try and relax before things get more hectic." He waved his orange blade around for show and added effectiveness. "Please don't confuse that with an unwillingness to kill or even some sort of displeasure at the idea. It's the opposite."

"Excuse me, do you mind if I use this seat?" Trychon asked a young boy as he force shoved him onto the floor, setting Anya down in his spot. The boy's father got up and was clearly about to confront Trychon when he looked down and saw a lightsaber hilt pressed to his chest. "It doesn't take long to turn on. That was as nice as the asking gets here. Understand?" The man stepped back, nodding... and grabbing his child and moving to the furthest available seat and sitting down, covering the boy's mouth with his hand.

The hard part about 'shields' is keeping them alive until they're useful.. Trychon thought to the other three, while applying what little medical resources he had available to the injury on Anya's thigh. The damage was minimal and she'd be fine if they could get her out of this without further injury. She was definitely going to be hampered in the meantime though.

Raezyr watched through the transparisteel as they pulled out of the tunnels and into the air. It was only moments before they saw what looked to definitely be Republic troop carriers hovering in the area. The others turned to look as he watched them. They moved tentatively into position along the transit vehicle. They were going to have to guess a bit as to where the Sith were. That gave them a bit of extra time, hopefully.

It didn't amount to much time at all though, as one of the entryway doors blew off and two soldiers landed inside, releasing their cables back to the ship and getting their weapons to a ready position. They began to visually scan the area quickly, looking for their targets.

Trychon moved a few feet away from the men looking for him and kept his back against the monorail wall. Just as he felt, that entry also disappeared allowing two more assailants to drop in. He moved quickly to step in front of them. As they unhooked their cables by out of natural reflex, and were pulling their arms to bear, Trychon spun around and landed his left foot squarely on the chestplate of the soldier on the left. That soldier dropped his weapon and fell out the maw where the entrance had been, grasping at the cable he'd released and getting a questionable hold on it with one hand.

Trychon used the momentum from pushing off the first soldier to spin around to his right, and as he settled down on one knee, he scooped up the falling carbine just as it hit the ground, and brought it up to squeeze the trigger on the other soldier in the entry way. He scored multiple direct hits and the second man fell out, but not before slamming into his fellow casualty, causing him to lose his grip and join the fall.

Blaster fire erupted towards Trychon, but Raezyr and Tyrrazapon were already in position with blades whirling to block for him.

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