January 13, 2009

163. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Trychon

Trychon and Tyrrazapon sat there for a minute, not talking... but instead taking in the sights sounds and feelings that they could from the very large area they were in.

It was hard to really gather much, as loud and smoky as the place was. They didn't feel any danger though, and Trychon was fairly sure he would feel if anything imminent was happening.

Tyrrazapon did start to get the feeling that the people here were more 'wanna-be' criminals than actual criminals. He couldn't tell for sure, but it seemed like many of these people here were more dressed for the atmosphere. Surely, many thought they could handle the lifestyle... but most would likely run away from it.

Eventually, the bartender showed back up and hinted to follow him. Trychon and Tyrrazapon got up, doing their best not to seem hurried.

They followed the bartender to a door in a darker 'corner' of the room. The bartender spoke at just over a whisper... almost impossible to hear over the noise around. "This is another joint. Same people own it... but it's harder to get in over here. I don't have a lot of influence and I don't get to work over there... but I got them to let you in. That's about all I can do. Good luck."

They started looking around the room, again trying to pick up what was going on. This bar was a much more standard build for a dive. This place definitely has a rougher feel to it. Still hard to say who we're looking for. Tyrrazapon thought to Trychon.

They began to walk into the room when they saw a bit of a commotion in the far corner. They edged their way around a little bit, only to see a man putting away a blue lightsaber. Raezyr! Trychon thought...

Tyrrazapon started to move through the room, but Trychon grabbed his shoulder and motioned for him to wait. They watched Raezyr move to a corner and pull out a small object.

Shit! Trychon thought... I forgot to turn on my comm....

He pulled his out and flipped it on. After hearing the very end of a comment from Raezyr, he spoke into it.

"Bravo Two to Bravo Five... come in."

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