January 18, 2009

197. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Trychon

"Dangit, be careful already!" Tyrrazapon said loudly, trying to be audible from a distance, but not unbelievably so.

They picked up a crate and moved it across the room, setting it down hard, hoping to make it sound heavier than it was.

"You men can never do things right... do I have to lift this myself? What good does it do to steal the weapons if you're just going to break them in the process?" Anya countered.

They threw another crate on top of the first. For the fifth time on this side of the warehouse.

"The boss won't be happy if we don't get him everything on the list. This is the final part to his plan!" Raezyr threw in for good measure.

Trychon wasn't sure how long they'd be able to keep this up. They had been making idle but suspicious conversation for an hour now.

Golar had come to them that afternoon, telling them about the pale skinned Twi'lek who had been seen haunting around his warehouses the past two nights. Anya seemed excited at first, but Tyrrazapon made sure to jump in and voice his disapproval of such a menial task, without saying that they wouldn't do it. He knew it was best to keep their enthusiasm hidden, so that Golar wouldn't interfere, and just assume they'd take care of the simple smuggler or spy. He couldn't guess that this was likely the apprentice they'd been looking for.

They'd spent that afternoon and evening discussing their basic plan to attract the attention of the young Jedi, and then also tactics to help them when they come against a few Masters hopefully later on. They practiced working in tandem, and taking turns using force push and pull to try and get each other off guard in two on one and two on two situations.

While they all were well skilled with their sabers (Raezyr and Trychon got some admiration for their newly fashioned blades from the other two), Raezyr and Tyrrazapon held a slight edge over Trychon in the force use. Anya was struggling mightily with that aspect of their work.

She was obviously frustrated over the ordeal. Raezyr was unusually kind in response to her failures in the aspect. He explained that when they could, they would work in pairs... Raezyr and Anya, Tyrrazapon and Trychon. One would press the attack heavily with aggressive lightsaber strikes, while the other would be a bit more passive, and look for opportunities where the Jedi seemed too centered on the frontal assault to press an attack through the force and get them off balance. The more important part of the attack was skillful advances with the saber, he explained.

They waited until nightfall and then began their facetious 'work' in one of the warehouses the Jedi had been spotted near. They didn't know what her intentions were in this area, but they hoped that she wouldn't be able to ignore such a potentially violent plan.

Now, they were struggling with things to say. They couldn't just start re-using some of their earlier comments from the night, if the Jedi had listened in all along... but they were running out of generic threatening conversations to have.

Finally, they were rewarded with a snap-hiss and a silhouette at the door.

"Stop... you're under arrest by the power of the Jedi Order." They heard a strikingly high pitched voice resound through the nearly empty room.

"RUN!" Tyrrazapon yelled, hiding his smirk and trying to replace it with a look of shock.

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