January 18, 2009

198. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Raezyr

They all tried to break off in different directions and in the confusion, Raezyr and Tyrrazapon ran smack into each other, knocking each to the ground.

Anya sprinted down between a row of stacked crates toward the back of the warehouse. Trychon began running after her, then thought better of it and turned around. He stopped dead watching the brown robed twi'lek sprinting toward their location, and then turned and continued following Anya again.

Raezyr and Tyrazzapon both scrambled to their feet and followed the same way Trychon and Anya had gone, the Jedi not far behind.

We wanted to keep her close, but this is too close, Raezyr thought. She's faster than we anticipated.

He could hear her footsteps right behind him, so close that he almost expected her to step on his heels. In the distance ahead, he saw Anya crash out of the doors and into the cool Coruscant night air.

As he neared the door he saw a small crate and pulled it down into the lane behind him, spinning around as he did so. The crate nearly landed on the girl chasing them down. It slowed her down a bit and he was able to increase his lead slightly.

He hit the door running. He could feel the cool air breezing under his helm as he burst into the alleyway and it felt good as he was already working up a sweat, his heart pounding in his chest with excitement.

Down the alley, he saw Anya running up a set of emergency escape stairs built into an abandoned office building with Trychon right on her heels. Tyrrazapon and Raezyr weren't far behind.

Suddenly he felt a familiar tug in the Force from behind him and readied himself for the push.

The blow nearly knocked the wind out of him as he flew forward through the air. Nudging himself with the Force, he angled his tragectory and hit the ground shoulder first and rolled. He let himself come to a stop before scrambling to his feet.

He barely had time to draw his lightsabers before she was on him. It wasn't part of the plan to fight her yet, but he couldn't let himself get captured.

Raezyr noticed the others stop at the sound of the snap-hiss of his red and blue blades."Run! Fools!," Raezyr yelled. He didn't really expect them to listen, so he was rather surprised when Trychon ran through the door into the office building.

The twi'lek Jedi pulled up in front of Raezyr. "So, you're Sith are you?" she said calmly.

"You'll soon find out, Jedi scum," Raezyr said and attacked.

He came across with the red blade, bringing it down with all his might. Light flashed and the blades crackled as the red and green blades collided.

The Jedi spun away from the blow just in time to meet Tyrrazapon's orange blade from behind.

Raezyr stepped in, taking advantage of the second attack's distraction and swept his blade low, but the twi'lek dove forward over the swing, rolled and came up ready.

Suddenly a large crate came crashing down from above. As the Jedi dove out of the way, both Raezyr and Tyrrazapon pushed with the Force, throwing her into a scap pile nearby.

Raezyr looked up as he and Tyrrazapon raced up the steps and noticed Anya and Trychon lookind down from the top, surveying their handiwork.

Looking back at the scrap heap, he saw that the pale-skinned girl had recovered quickly and was already back in pursuit.

Not long now, Jedi, Raezyr thought as he took the stairs two at a time.

He entered the building and ran down the corridor, following the people he had come to think of as his friends toward the stairwell at the end of the hall. He felt a little better about the distance between him and the Jedi, but looked over his shoulder anyway. Good, still coming.

They exited the building on the first floor and ran across the deserted street to the dark alley. The alley which came out near a popular night club called the Night Ranger. He was halfway across the street when he heard the door of the abandoned building open and close behind him.

Running down the dark alley, he dumped a few refuse filled plasteel bins, knowing that it wouldn't slow her down, but made their escape attempt look a bit more genuine.

There were many people standing in front of the Night Ranger, waiting to get in when he burst out of the alley. His companions were already set up on each side of the exit, pressed against the wall, waiting for the Jedi to emerge.

Raezyr stopped several meters into the street and drew his long saber hilt as he turned. He snapped on his red blade and crouched into a fighting stance as the Jedi exited the alley. Trychon stepped into the alley entrance behind her as Tyrrazapon and Anya took up positions on either side.

The Jedi and 3 other Sith all flicked on their blades at the same time, and realization started to sink in for the Jedi that maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew.

Suddenly the twi'lek smiled and Raezyr heard a slightly accented female voice behind him, "Now, you wouldn't be tinking of doing someting foolish, now would you?"

Raezyr spun around in time to see a blue skinned Nautolan woman, clad in Jedi robes, activate her emerald green blade.

"Nylan," she said, "I can't let you hog all da fun for yourself, now can I?"

"Jedi Knight Talla! Good to see you. There's more than enough to go around, I think," the twi'lek responded.


Side note: Please think of Jedi Nal Talla's accent as having a hint of a 'Jamaican' type sound.


  1. Here's my question... who is 'Venant', and did you guys know s/he was going to join in?

  2. Yes... he was a new member on the forum site. He was invited to join in our mission with his Jedi character, but then he went AWOL after his last post. We waited several days for him, but he has not returned.
