January 13, 2009

177. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Tyrrazapon

The cantina was a bit smaller than others they'd been in recently. Kind of a dive, really. The four of them made their way toward a booth and slipped in.

"Alright guys, this has to be flawless if we are going to go in there undetected," Raez began. He was interrupted by a hostess who took their orders. Anya was the only one ordering some other fancy drink.

"I think four of us can handle 8 or 9 people well enough," Trych chimed in. "We do have a slight advantage."

"Yes, but even so, it has to be stealth, all the way. We can't risk one of them getting time to send out a distress call."

Tyrrazapon chugged his ale and plopped the empty mug onto the counter top. "Most of these types will just have their blasters and maybe a few blades on them. Nothing really heavy on a ship like this, with a light crew. We have the basic layout and that can give us a great idea of where the majority of the crew will be stationed."

"Right, and we can coordinate through comm when needed, but for the most part we should be able to do this swiftly.

They sat and ordered another round and discussed the strategy of how to take a ship when outnumbered at least 2 to 1. Simple surprise planning really.

After a while, they gathered their things together and moved out. Tyr had removed his cloak again, stuffing it in his pack. He always liked to look the part more when being in these situations.

As they approached the dock they began to formulate and set their plan in motion. They would board one at a time in intervals. They would have to focus deep into the Force in order to ensure they were undetected by those around them. Tyr felt like this was a natural gift for him, as he'd recalled using it before several times, and had been hidden well among the crowd back on Nar Shaddaa the day he'd met the other two. He kept to shadows and walked lightly. He reached the ship and almost floated in through the hatch under the belly.

The other three followed over time and Anya took her time. She was unsure at first, straining to focus the Force to distract a guard that lingered nearby. But she'd made it in time, just before some of the crew began to trickle in, likely from a night of heavy drinking and gambling.

The ship lifted off and the four had taken their posts throughout the ship.

Meditate. Keep the Force drawn around you. Become a wraith. were the thoughts exchanged among the Sith aboard the ship.

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