January 13, 2009

164. Sith Saga: Proving Grounds - Raezyr

"Well, well.... it's about time you decided to contact me."

Suddenly feeling Trychon and Tyrrazapon's presence in the room, he put away the comm and sat back at the table with the 3 men.

Trych and Tyr heard Raezyr's voice in their minds,Almost in. Sit back. Be ready.

Raezyr turned his attention back to the three men. No one spoke. They just stared at him in uneasy silence.

45 minutes later, the man in black slipped in from the side door across the room from the one that Trych and Tyr had used. Behind him came a green skinned male Twi'lek wearing expensive looking clothes. The quality and cut made the man instantly stand out in this rough burly crowd.

Raezyr stood as the two approached.

"I am Shado Golar. I understand you are looking for employment. Why don't you follow me, please?" The Twi'lek phrased it as a question, but it was clearly not negotiable.

"Very well. My companions will be coming along, as well," Raezyr stated in a tone that equally brooked no argument.

Golar looked skeptically at the 3 men still seated at the table.

"Not them," Raezyr said, as two men appeared at his sides, one wearing a black tunic with an orange trimmed cloak, the other wearing camoflage fatigues.

Golar looked unconcerned. "Very well," he spoke over his shoulder as he turned and made his way toward the door he had come from.

The well dressed twi-lek placed his palm on a scanner and led them into what appeared to be a private club.

Or rather club house. There was a kitchen/galley type area, several meeting rooms, a bar and then a staircase which seemed to lead to a hallway lined with doors, possibly sleeping quarters. The entire place was poshly decorated in polished woods, fine leathers and unique art and sculpture pieces. Several droids were tooling around, cleaning things and watering plants.

Golar lead them over to an office where 3 humans a Gossam and Sullustan sat around an oblong meeting table, waiting. Each were as finely clothed as Golar was, and from the slight bulges beneath their clothes, they were heavily armed as well.

Golar motioned them to sit down, then took a seat himself and lit a cigarra before he spoke.

"You have proposed to eliminate Thar-in Vol for us. He is an ever increasing thorn in our sides. In return you wish to join us. What do you bring to us that we could use?" the twi'lek asked.

"Once upon a time, we MAY have been associated with the Jedi. That time is no more. Today, the four in our group have banded together to put an end to the meddling of Jedi in affairs which do not concern them." Raezyr leaned forward in his seat before continuing. "We have reason to believe that you may have Jedi problems soon."

The Revenant members exchanged furtive glances.

"How do you know?" demanded a bald human with long blonde mustaches.

Tyr, recognizing his area of expertise, took over before Raezyr did something stupid like cut off the Twi-leks head, although he had done fairly well so far.

"That really isn't information we can divulge at this time. You wouldn't give up your intel sources to a stranger, now would you?" Tyr asked rhetorically.

"The bottom line is this. We'll make sure this Vol guy won't be bothering you anymore as a gesture of our intent. Then you let us join your organization. If and when the Jedi show up, we'll be able to sniff them out" Tyr concluded.

[What do you get out of the deal?] the Sullustan asked in his native tongue.Trychon chuckled. "On top of being paid for whatever we might do while in your employ, we get to kill a Jedi," he said and Raez and Tyr chuckled with him.

"You'll bring the Jedi down on us like a load of plasteel!" the Gossam yelled.

"That can't happen," Tyr explained. "You will treat us as trusted memebers of your organization, but when the time comes, we will make sure the trail points to us, leaving your organization clear of blame for this, and yet any investigations pertaining to your group will have to begin all over again. Really it's a win-win situation for you."

The Revenants glanced looked back and forth at each other. Raezyr could detect nothing but pleasure and excitedness coming from them.

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