March 06, 2009

293. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Trychon sat down in his seat and put his hands behind his head. "That was fun. I like the gun thing."

Raezyr nodded. "It can be fun, sure. I prefer to know where I'm headed though. I'll stick to making those decisions any time I have the choice."

Dianna took her seat and stretched out as well. "I can see why. You're not that bad of a flyboy, if I do say so myself..."

Raezyr beemed under his mask, and kept it hidden from Dianna. "That's all well and good... however, now we need to do some quick checks on the ship. I'm going to run in back and look at a few things. Trych... you should run a diagnostic, if you don't mind."

"Sure thing." Trychon got up and pulled his datapad out of his pocket.

"I'll join you in the back, if you don't mind." Dianna said.

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