March 10, 2009

313. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Trychon sat down, sweating and breathing hard, with a new slash in the front of his shirt. "I guess this will be my designated 'training' shirt. Anya will be pleased, I'm sure. Shoulda picked up more than two sets of clothes, I guess."

He caught the ale that was flying at his head, popped it open and had a drink. "Ah..."

Raezyr sat next to him with his own drink. "You're not going to get to my defenses with attacks like that. Keep trying though."

"With great instructions like that one, I should be a blade master in no time." Trychon said as he got up and headed to his room to change real quick. He could feel Raezyr chuckling behind him. Raezyr wasn't going to need to clean up before heading out... he had the clean advantage that time and didn't get much of a workout.

When he met Raezyr again in the Lounge, Dianna was there with him discussing the engine she had gone after.

"Oh good, you're back. Raezyr and I were just about to go on a small supply run. Can we trust you to watch the ship for us? That's super. You're a doll." Trychon grabbed Raezyr by the arm and pulled him towards the ship's exterior ramp.

Raezyr feigned struggling against Trychon as he looked at the exasperated Dianna. "Where are you guys going? What supplies?" She yelled after him.

Trychon stopped and tossed her an ale. "Take a load off... relax... have a drink."

"Why would I..." She stopped as she caught the container and looked in it. "This is empty. How the hell am I supposed to drink from an empty ale?"

Trychon winked as he backed out of the room. "I knew you'd understand..."

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