March 17, 2009

330. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

The clang of the Republic shuttle's docking clamps attaching rang throughout the ship.

"Let's play this thing like we don't know. Do you think you can play the part of cabin boy and at least pretend to take orders?" Dianna asked as they stood side by side, waiting for the docking cycle to finish.

"Right now? Sure, we can go play 'Captain and Cabin Boy,' but we might be a little embarrassed when the Reps break down the door to your quarters. I'd suggest we do that when we get out of this."

She chuckled a bit. "You might be sorry. I can ride my Cabin Boys pretty hard."

A muffled voice came from inside the secret compartment. "You know, I can hear you guys."

Dianna and Raezyr replied in unison. "Shut up, Trych."

They sobered up quickly as the docking cycle finished. The hatch doors opened and several Republic Troopers entered with weapons leveled. An officer then strode into the room.

"What's the meaning of this?" Dianna immediately demanded. "I've never heard of such outrage! I demand to speak with your commanding officer!"

"Can it, you pirate scum. We know who you are and we've been waiting for you." He turned to the troopers. "Get binders on these two and keep them covered, then sweep the ship for explosives."

One of the Marines moved forward and placed binders on both Raezyr and Dianna then shoved them to the floor and covered them with his weapon. The others pulled out portable scanners and moved out about the ship as they had been ordered.

After a few minutes, the Troopers returned and reported. "Negative for explosives, lieutenant, and there's no one else aboard."

"Good." The lieutenant went to the hatch and closed it, then pressed a comm on his sleeve. "Pilot, let us go and escort us back to the Unity. I'll pilot this piece of junk in myself."

He headed for the cockpit as the docking cycle began and the clamps released.

It took only about 15 minutes before Raezyr could hear the landing cycle begin and felt the ship touch down, and the guards roughly heaved the two prisoners to their feet.

The loading ramp lowered and they lieutenant ordered them down the ramp where a an entire squad of Republic troopers were waiting in the landing bay.

"Are these the only prisoners?" a Captain said as he stepped forward.

"Yes sir, they are," reported the lieutenant crisply.

The captain turned to Dianna. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the infamous Dianna Kingsdoom. We've been waiting a long time to get our hands on you. It would have been nicer to get more of your crew along with you, but I guess we'll have to settle for the big fish."

Dianna looked the captain straight in his eyes with her chin held high. "Be careful when fishing, captain. Sometimes the big fish bite back."

The captain laughed. "Take these two to the detention area and get them both prepped for interrogation. We'll learn the location of her hideout soon enough."

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