March 08, 2009

296. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

Raezyr started flipping through the navicomputer, looking for a system that they could make it to safely. It came down to two choices: Arkania and Carida. He said as much.

"Alright, Arkania it is," Dianna said. "They'll be more likely to have what we need."

"No, I think we'll put down on Carida," Raezyr countered. "Trych, input these new coordinants."

"Did you not hear me?" Dianna said. "Carida is less likely to have what we may need, and it's a bit farther."

"Once again, this is our ship, and we're putting down on Carida," Raezyr sadi casually.

"That makes absolutely no sense, what do you have against Arkania?" Dianna asked.

"Arkania is not up for discussion. I'm not going there, and neither is this ship," Raezyr said.

"Raez, maybe we should listen to her. She probably knows those places better than we do," Trych interjected.

"Let's just say that things could get ugly if certain people found out that I had returned to Arkania and leave it at that, alright?" Raezyr said, starting to get perturbed.

I'll tell you about it sometime, alright? Raezyr sent the thought to Trychon.

Fine, but it better be a good story, Trychon returned.

Trychon took the coordinants and entered them, altering their course. He took his finger and drew it across the nav screen in a crossing pattern.

"X marks the spot!" Trychon said, reverting to pirate speak.

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