March 17, 2009

338. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

After a brief conference, they moved quickly down the hall.

"Why aren't we meeting any more resistance?" Dianna asked.

Trychon grinned and patted the data pad in his pocket. "I set up several alarms all over the ship. They think they have fires and explosions on several decks. It won't take them long to figure out what's happening, but it should buy us some extra time."

"Nice work, Trych," Dianna said.

She leaned up against the wall as they came to an intersection. Pistol raised, she glanced around the corner. "It's clear," she said to the other two who were pressed up against the wall behind her.

Trychon nudged Raezyr and pointed down one of the halls. "This is where we part, my friend. The fighter pilot's ready lounge is two halls down to the right, then seven doors down on the left. Dianna and I need to go the other way."

Raezyr and Trychon clasped each others wrists. "May the Force serve you well, Raez."

"You too, Trych."

Dianna stepped up to Raezyr and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He cocked his head slightly in surprise.

"For luck," she explained.

Raezyr took off jogging down the hall toward his destination.

"I guess it's just you and me," Trychon said to Dianna as they watched Raezyr disappear into another corridor.

"Let's go," she said and ducked around the corner in a crouching run. Trychon followed right behind.

Right in front of them several Republic troops came running around the corner. Startled, it took them a moment to react, diving to the sides of the corridor and back around the corner as Dianna began firing into the group.

Still in motion, she dropped to her knees and slid over to a nearby door, using the jamb as slight cover.

Trychon flicked on his light saber and moved forward as the Reps began to return Dianna's fire. He found it much easier to move in as he re-directed the blaster bolts. The troopers had to keep under more cover and were shooting less accurately as Dianna's shots helped to pin them down.

She had taken two of the marines down by the time Trychon waded in amongst them, and within seconds he dispatched the rest.

"I don't even think they had time to report us," Trychon said as they ran down the hall.

Just as they reached to doors to the hanger which housed the Wasted Rancor, they heard distant sounds of feet pounding on the durasteel flooring, and turned to look.

An entire squad of Republic troops had rounded the corner about 50 meters away and were running toward them. "I think they figured out the false alarms," Trychon noted.

One of the lead troopers noticed them about to enter they hangar and pointed as he ran. "There they are! Blast 'em!"

Dianna began firing as Trychon triggered the door and ignited his black-bladed laser sword once again. He furiously deflected the incoming blaster fire as the large doors opened revealing their ship... and another dozen troops waiting for them inside.

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