March 26, 2009

346. Hoth: King's Lair - Raezyr

Anya smiled wryly. "That's not all. I've also found I can alter colors, and I think that with more practice and study, I can do so much more along these same lines." She closed down the practice blade and held out the silver cylinder for Raezyr to see. He felt her embrace the Force, and watched as the chrome of the hilt suddenly took on a greenish hue.

"It's not much right now, but I'm sure that I can do so much more with it. I think eventually I'll be able to create full illusions." She paused and looked at Raezyr's face, studying his scar. "Maybe I can even teach you how to hide your scar... once I figure out how to do it."

Raezyr straightened up and studied her for a moment. "Most impressive, Anya. Maybe you really can be useful to us."

Anya beamed with pride as she put the lightsaber back into it's place in the box. Years later, she'd come to realize that this was THE moment it had happened, although for now she was just elated that she would be able to contribute to the effort, rather than be carried along. Deep down, despite her successes, she knew that's what had been happening, although she was still loathe to admit it.

Raezyr announced that their session was now finished and while Anya headed for her quarters to change, Raezyr headed for the commons. When he entered he noticed Trychon and Tyrrazapon sitting at a table together, talking over an ale. Raezyr grabbed his own from the refrigeration unit and taking a tankard from a cabinet, joined them.

"Raez and I are too recognizable right now... we can find ways to work that in your favor," Trychon was saying as Raezyr sat down. He was grinning with his usual "I've-got-something-up-my-sleeve" grin.

"I hope it's good, because our faces are sure to be plastered all over the holonet. Hell, if you and I don't have the death sentence in at least two systems right now, I'll give up and go join the Jedi," Raezyr said facetiously.

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