March 17, 2009

337. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Raezyr walked back to where Trychon was standing, waiting for him. He got to Trychon and they both started to jog down the direction that Trychon indicated.

"Hold on a minute." Dianna said impatiently. They stopped and turned to look at her. She was rummaging through Trychon's bag. She pulled out a stim from the small medical bag. "This will help you keep from getting worn down."

"I don't need that." He frowned. "I'm pulling enough from my anger right now. I'll make it ok."

"Well, it certainly won't hurt, either." She said, walking up to him and injecting him in the arm.

"Ow. That hurt..." He responded with his best imitation of Trychon's lopsided grin.

Trychon snickered.

She stood up and grabbed the bag. "I don't suppose you noticed if they already offloaded our cargo, Trychon?"

He looked at her, a bit surprised. "Honestly? I didn't even think the chances warranted a check."

"I'm gonna kill that little bitch, Riv-ars." She grumbled.

"Well, we don't have to leave empty handed." Raezyr shrugged.

"He's right. We're just standing around. If we're gonna be taking our time, we may as well make use of it... with permission, of course" Trychon added with a wink.

"Are you guys insane?" Was all she could think to respond with.

"Yes. Also, I think I have just the cargo in mind. How are you feeling, Raezyr?" Trychon asked as he put a hand on Raezyr's shoulder.

"He's beaten half way to a month in a tank!" Dianna nearly yelled, giving up on keeping her voice down.

"I'm good. What do you have, Trych?" Raezyr smiled in anticipation.

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