March 17, 2009

328. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

"Too late." Raezyr said as he sat down in his seat, trying to maneuver the Rancor away from the planet. "We're already caught in a tractor. That was fast!"

"Trychon, I thought you were keeping an eye on this program! How could it get a message out, and how is it that they were ready for us already?" Dianna tried to keep her voice level.

Trychon stood up. "Look... if the thing had tried to overload the reactor, it would have failed... but I can't keep it from doing anything at all. This is all your boyfriend Fillis' doing anyway. I was hoping I could find something to tie it back to him at least... but it's not going to happen. We know it was him, and clearly he knew where we were headed without the program. It was just a failsafe. They were ready for us and probably have been for days."

"He's NOT my boyfriend. I've pissed off my fair share of people in this universe... but I am NOT responsible for all of their actions!" She stood up as well.

Raezyr stood up and ignited his short lightsaber between them. "I never thought I'd be the one trying to keep the peace, but we have precious time to figure out a plan here."

That was when the comm interrupted them.

"Republic cruiser to Unidentified freighter. Bring down your shields and prepare to be boarded and interrogated."

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