March 17, 2009

325. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

"I didn't want to see the results if she did punch you.... one way or the other." Trychon grinned back. He and Raezyr walked down to the speeder and Trychon started it up for Raezyr to drive.


Having driven the speeder a few minutes to get it towards the edge of town, they dumped it unceremoniously in a dark corner of an alley.

"There. This will work well. If it's found, which it likely will be eventually, it'll seem like just a couple of kids took it for a joyride. No real ties to any missing parts that they miss in a few weeks." Raezyr said as he hopped out of the vehicle.

Trychon followed suit, and checked his datapad for a general direction for them to head to get back to their dock. Hopefully, Dianna had at least started on the repairs. He was ready to get back to the mission. As they walked down the streets leisurely, Trychon turned to Raezyr. "So you think it'll be good enough for your Pirate queen?"

"It should be. If not... I don't care. We're off this rock in a few hours, and this isn't going to come back to bite us." Raezyr kicked a rock as he walked, adding some push to it, and watched it ricochet off a building down the street, scattering some small creatures.

"Yeah. I guess we need to work on being less obvious when we communicate too, eh?" Trychon laughed.

"I guess. She admits that we're going to talk about her anyway. Kind of unreasonable to be upset that we can do it when she's right there. It's not like that's even what we usually talk about." Raezyr said as he watched Trychon kick a rock towards the same building.

"Nice." He said as the rock struck near where Raezyr's had. "You still pretty confused about what to do about her? Affected by tonight at all?"

Raezyr turned a corner as Trychon pointed down the street they needed to head down next. He kicked another rock, trying to propel it further this time. "Confused? Yeah... she's still on my mind a lot. Affected by tonight? Not really. It shouldn't matter, should it? Just a mission."

"Sure." Trychon launched a rock after Raezyr's. "I'd leave that part out of the debriefing though." He paused for Raezyr's snicker to die down. "I'm thinking maybe after we're done with this, the four of us... you, me, Anya and Tyr, go ahead and take on one of Master's missions. Get away for a little bit and let some perspective sink in? What do you think?"

Raezyr stopped and pondered the idea. "I don't know Trych. Maybe. I'm just not sure. Does that make sense at all?"

"Sure. Look at it this way though... Absence makes the heart grow fonder..." Trychon gave him a soft slug in the arm and started walking again.

"Shut up, Trych."


  1. I don't think that's unreasonable... first off, if they're talking to each other, then they're ignoring her, and whatever she's saying, while she's right there. Second off... imagine watching 2 dudes make faces at each other, know they're talking about SOMETHING, and not have a clue what it's about... likely to drive a girl mad, I tell ya, MAD.

    Just a little woman's perspective ;)


  2. So we nailed her reaction then? ;)
