March 17, 2009

319. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

They walked along fairly slowly, and the girls alternated pointing to various buildings and doors and saying what they were. Trychon was pretty sure they weren't taking the tour very seriously... but then again, neither was he or Raezyr. Schematics would be easy to come by once in the dorms. He was sensing outward for any guards that might be coming their way... although the girls didn't seem worried.

Lana hit his arm. "Are you even listening?" She laughed for a minute. "We finally get by the cafeteria, which you wouldn't stop talking about all night... and you're looking off into the distance like you can still see the stars..."

Trychon acted hurt as he rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry, Lana... My appetite just seems to shift a bit after some nice drinks and some nice company." The girls both giggled. He shifted his tone. "It gets so lonely sometimes... you know I swear sometimes I can still hear the forrest night."

The girls sighed in unison. "Awwwww...."

Trychon lifted an eyebrow at Raezyr... Go on...

Raezyr looked at him bewildered. "I uh... I sometimes have flashbacks at night about the fight that scarred my face." He lifted his arms in a subtle shrug at Trychon.

"Oh no!" Exclaimed Ari, petting his cheek with her hand. Huh... I can't believe that worked. Raezyr thought to both himself and Trychon.

"We're here!" Lana shouted quite too loudly for the time of day.

"I need to use the refresher. Want to see my refresher, Raez?" Ari said, still petting his cheek.

"Uh... yeah!" He returned. Huh.

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