March 17, 2009

331. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Trychon listened to the ruckus as the ship was boarded. He silenced his movements to nothing. Slowly, he reached in his pocket and pulled out the gem. With his legs crossed, he placed it gently between them and sunk into meditation.

Still aware remotely of his surroundings and the movement around him, he concentrated on the gem. He did everything he could to pierce it with his mind and find its secrets. He searched for purpose and usefulness inside it.

He sat there for two hours... plenty of time for the ship to be locked down. At times, he felt as though he was beginning to understand it, but ultimately was frustrated. He was no nearer to figuring out the mysteries of the object. He opened his eyes and stared at it, angry.

As he did, he felt the gem begin to heat up.

Dark side. Duh, Trychon.

He gathered up his lightsaber as well as Raezyr's. He grabbed a few blasters as well, and the energy shields. If ever there was a time they'd need them... this was that time. Or so he hoped. He stuffed everything but one blaster pistol and his own lightsaber into a small over the shoulder utility bag. He contemplated Raezyr's armor... but he was low on room as it was, and he thought medical supplies might be more applicable. This way, if they happened to be spotted on their way out, which seemed highly likely, they wouldn't connect Raezyr in his armor to Raezyr not in his armor.

He steadied himself and got ready to leave. He looked at the pistol and his saber, and contemplated getting Raezyr's short blade out too. Not the time to learn new ways to lop off your own limbs... He ultimately decided.

He popped open the door to his compartment and crawled out. Lightsaber and pistol on his hip, he grabbed the bag and felt for anyone in the area. Positive he was alone on the ship, he went up to the cockpit and hooked himself into the computer without turning anything on. For all intents and purposes, the systems were all shut off, but it allowed him to check for any damage they may have done. Everything seemed fine. He set it up to be as ready to go as possible for a remote start, and made his way to the ramp.

He wondered to himself why they had left the ramp down... obviously too sure of their sweep of the ship initially... and he carefully jumped off the side of the ramp and hid underneath it while he got a look at his surroundings.

The lights were dimmed, and there seemed to be limited to no activity at the moment. Still wary, he took the time to sweep through the room... feeling out one direction at a time, to get better range on his still limited senses. Clearly, this was a secondary docking bay. Probably didn't want pirate filth near their pretty ships. Idiots. There were two men stationed in the control room overlooking the bay. They obviously weren't quite stupid enough to leave a docking bay unwatched. Still, he was pretty sure one of them was asleep.

Trychon figured this left him two options. Either he could sneak out of the docking bay and sneak around until he found a computer elsewhere in a crew quarters or some other preferably uninhabited room... or he could take out the two men in the control room, slice what he needed to into the computer there, hope that they didn't do a roll call too quickly, and make it to Raezyr and Dianna as quickly as possible.

The former would allow him more time and could be potentially quieter overall. The latter assured him quick access to a better computer port that would serve his needs best.

I hate sneaking. I like computers.

Off we go...

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