March 30, 2009

353. THX 1138 - Trychon

Trychon and Raezyr sat next to each other, facing each other, but also looking beyond and into the mists to watch each others' backs. At this distance, their hearing was impeded slightly... but they could talk normally to each other.

Trychon was watching his datapad as he received updates from Achkay. He was nearly done with a full circle around them and was about to start again. He'd taken out a few more of the animals, but his sensors also seemed to catch more of them backing off.

"I can't believe the droid had to point it out." Raezyr said. "I'm betting heavily that there's way more to this fog than we thought at first glance." He say Trychon mumble under his breath 'I knew it.'.

Raezyr rolled his eyes and continued. "I would also be willing to say that it may be largely responsible for our... irritability since we arrived." To that, Trychon said nothing.

They both stared off into what was left of the distance and said nothing more for the next several minutes. Eventually, their droid showed back up in the clearing. He told them briefly about what he encountered. Trychon continued to stare off into the fog, so Raezyr asked Achkay about the animals. He responded with a brief summary about the Vornskrs.

Finally Trychon spoke up. "We should head up the brook for a ways... if it makes a turn towards our destination, that would help us stay clear of these animals."

Raezyr felt a little better. "Agreed."

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