December 14, 2008

42. The Search For Darth Vikon - Raezyr

Raezyr compared the location on Deengo's data pad to the information on his own. "This sector isn't even showing on my map. DAMMIT!" he said as he put his back into his belt. "You might as well keep that one. I'm pretty sure you'll need it more than Deengo will."

"Wouldn't that be stealing, though?" Trychon asked.

Raezyr froze, then slowly turned his head. "You're not serious are you? Cripes man, Sith-up. We're going to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. The end ALWAYS justifies the means. We'll follow the rules when they coincide with our purposes, and when they don't. We'll make our own."

They looked around a bit more for anything else of use, but there was nothing they could see.

They set out walking and soon flagged down a hover-cab being driven by a blue skinned Etti. "Where to?" he asked as they climbed in. Trychon read him the location on the data pad. His jaw dropped. "You're frakkin nuts, but it's your creds and your hides," he said and speed off as soon as the door closed.

Two hours later, and 180 creds lighter, they were dropped off in front of what appeared to be an abandoned factory. The door was stuck slightly ajar, and both Raezyr and Trychon squeezed in.

A few lights were on here and there, but there were too many shadows for comfort. Raezyr stretched out with the Force, trying to detect anyone near them. He kept getting faint flickers, and he couldn't tell if it was anything to be worried about or not. "I can't tell anything. Let's keep our blades in hand in here."

"I think that might be some sort of control room up there. Let's see if we can figure out how to get there," Trychon said as he pulled his hilt from his belt and headed into a narrow walkway.

"Trych..... lemme go first. It's too narrow to fight side by side in there, and I've got a bad feeling about this."

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