December 19, 2008

84. Sith Academy - Trychon

Trychon chuckled silently for a good moment while he took Raezyr's cue in watching Anya walk towards them.

Therefore, Trychon was pretty offguard when she walked right up to him and slapped him across the face. It looked as though Raezyr was about to respond, except at that point, Trychon's silent laughter became audible. She'd stung him a little... but not to the point where it actually hurt.

This took Anya from irritable to irate. "Why are you laughing?!" She nearly screamed at him.

"I guess it depends on why you slapped me." He shot back.

"As if it wasn't bad enough that you losers left me here when you went off to have fun... but to insult my intelligence by acting as though you thought I was going to try to strike you down or something on your way out?! You could have just tossed me my lightsaber like a normal asshole."

Raezyr stared at them from a few feet away. Now he was taking his turn silently chuckling.

That's the first time I've seen Trych speechless.

Anya wasn't done though. "Where the hell did you go anyway? I've been sitting around here dreaming of going somewhere after being trapped forever, and you guys show up and I get my hopes up and then they're dashed in an instant!"

Trychon finally found his voice. "Well, we were off on Nar Shadda partying and the like. Killed some jedi all in good fun and whatnot. Sith stuff."

Her look was getting more furious."Oh... and while we were partying, we also happened to run out of Kolto patches. Don't suppose you have any around?"

Her look softened up a bit as she looked at them again a bit more carefully.

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