December 19, 2008

85. Sith Academy - Raezyr

"What REALLY happened?" she asked, softening her voice, although there was still a hint of anger lying just underneath.

Raezyr and Trychon both started at the same time.


"Raezyr was hit pretty hard..." Trychon could feel the daggers even through Raezyr's mask. "SORRY," he sent.

"Lemme see," Anya said as she walked over to Raezyr, and pulled back his cloak.

"It is NOTHING, I said," Raezyr stated, jerking back from her.

"Look, Asshole. If you had to use up all your kolto patches on it, then it isn't 'nothing!'" Anya said, glaring at him. "Now come with me down to the med center and let me have a look."

"Do NOT presume to order me around, maid!" Raezyr said, pointing his finger in her face.

She went livid, her face red with anger, and jabbed her fist into the damaged area of his armor. Raezyr dropped to his knees as the pain exploded through his entire body. She kicked him in the chest, knocking him onto his back and put her foot on his throat. "Let's get one thing straight, Mr. High and Mighty. I'm just as much Sith as you are. I am NOT your servant girl. You will NOT treat me as such. Got it?"

"Fine," Raezyr choked out. Between her foot and the pain, he could barely breathe.

She removed her foot. "Now pick yourself off the floor and follow me to the med center," she ordered as she turned and strode off, her long blond hair flowing behind her.

Raezyr struggled to roll over and push himself up. He got to his knees and looked over at Trychon. "I'm guessing we're even on the 5 creds," he said horsely.

Trychon laughed as he grabbed Raezyr's arm and helped him to his feet. "Tell me something. Is that scowl just as gorgeous from down there?"

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