December 24, 2008

92. Sith Academy - Raezyr

Raezyr tilted his masked face upward and looked into the shadow of the Sith Lord's cowl, despite not being able to discern any features. "My Lord, when I was but a boy..." he began.

He told the tale of how the Jedi had tried to take him as a boy to Coruscant, how his parents had been murdered, and of Master, the dissillusioned female rogue Jedi who had taken him, raised him, and began to instruct him in the ways of the Force and how they had become paid assassins.

He related how the Jedi had caught up with them eventually in the ruins of Taris and had murdered Master, his friend, mentor, and surrogate mother. Raezyr explained his decision then, to seek out and become a powerful Sith so that he might exact his revenge on the murderous, hypocritical Jedi Order.

He further recounted meeting Anya here and what he knew of her. That she had been rejected by the Jedi Order and came here, only to be left behind shortly after her arrival, with almost no training. He did leave out the part where he suspected that Anya might never become very powerful, as that was for a true Sith to decide.

Raezyr told him of their recent search for a Sith named Vikon, and the evidence they had to believe he was dead. He told him of the strange gem they had recovered which seemed to radiate the Dark Side, of meeting the man called Tyrrazapon, who had murdered his own Jedi father, and of his imminent arrival here at the academy. He also told him of the strange circumstances in aquiring the HK-50 on Geonosis, and their return here.

Raezyr finally fell silent, and Trychon then began his tale of abandonment on his homeworld, his discovery of the strange ruins and artifacts with markings matching those he had found here on Korriban. He informed the Dark Lord that those ruins and artifacts summoned feelings of power and belonging that he had never felt before. Trychon told of finding the shuttle which piloted him here of it's own accord and was even now standing damaged, but repairable in the Valley below.

When he had finished, Raezyr spoke again, looking directly into the hood of the Dark Master where he thought his eyes should be, determination ringing in his voice, "Master, what must we do to prove ourselves worthy of your tutelage?"

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