December 24, 2008

97. Sith Academy - Raezyr

Hours rushed by, undetected as the two apprentices studied. Finally, Raezyr removed his helm, rubbed his eyes, then replaced it. He sat back and checked the chrono on hist wrist.

What the hell? How is it that only 45 minutes have passed? and then it dawned on him. Korriban had more than completed it's full 28 hour rotation. It was the next day.

Raezyr quickly stood up, gathered up the various data cards and tomes scattered about the work station and returned them to their proper places, then strode through the massive archives in search of Trychon.

He found him sitting at another work station, with even more tomes and data cards piled around him than Raezyr had collected. Trychon had even located a pyramidal object which which had strange runes and markings covering it. Trychon was studying the object as Raezyr approached.

"What is that thing?" Raezyr curiously interupted.

Trychon turned around, seemingly surprised to see Raezyr standing there. "It's something called a holocron. They're supposed to contain vast amounts of information. This one alone probably has more information on it than all the tomes in here together, although I haven't been able to figure out how to access it yet...... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you get to studying?"

"Get to studying? We've both been studying for a full day." Raezyr paused a moment so Trychon could process the information. "We could spend our lives in here and not read everything. What we need to do is go find Lord..... Lord... our new Master. I just hope he hasn't disappeared on us."

"I can't believe how much I've learned already," Trychon spoke as he gathered up the tomes.

"Me neither. In the last 28 hours, I learned that my old master, as powerful as she was and despite cutting her ties with the Jedi, was a weak fool. I will master the Force and my own destiny, and not be a slave to them as she was."

Side by side, they strode out of the Sith Archives, already more poweful than when they had entered but one day ago.

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