December 14, 2008

28. Sith Academy - Raezyr

Raezyr didn't touch his food or drink, not wanting to remove his helmet in front of 2 strangers. If they ever saw his scar, they'd remember his face forever. Not something an assassin wants. Assassin... humph. Some assassin. Letting Master get taken out that way. If only I had been able to finish off that stupid padawan quicker, then maybe Master would still be alive.

"Aren't you hungry," Anya asked.

"No," he replied firmly.

He watched the polite banter and smiles pass between Anya and Trychon. Sure are friendly, he thought wryly. He listened to Anya's description of the training program she had access to. Not much more than a light workout really, but Trychon was right, they should check it out anyway. There might be programs that were a little more challenging.

And Trychon seemed pretty confident that he could find things in these computers, even though he hadn't taken a look at them yet. If he had some mad slicing skillz, then maybe he could slice other files as well and find out where the Masters have gone.

Trychon was just finishing up the last of his noodles and drink when Raezyr stood up. "If you've had your fill Trychon, I suggest we investigate this training computer. Maybe we shall find *something* here that might give us a challenge,"he said as he gave a quick glance at Anya. The look wasn't lost on her. Raezyr noticed as she clenched her jaw then released it and glanced down.

He turned back to Trychon, "Are you good enough with computers to get into other parts of the sys....."

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Anya interupted.

Raezyr stretched out his right hand toward the table. The dishes and cups began to rattle, then suddenly flew in an arc landing on the floor several feet away.

Slowly he raised his gloved finger and pointed it at her. "Do NOT interupt me again. Now, you will clean this up and meet us in the training room when you are finished."

She stood there motionless for a moment, watching Raezyr stride out of the room. Trychon looked at her, shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "Sorry," and, "I don't know what's going on," and followed Raezyr out of the room.

Her initial fear returned. She had thought that Raezyr guy seemed pretty nice, although a little full of himself at times. Aparently she was wrong. Maybe she had just been so happy to fave friends that she had tried to look past his obvious flaws. Just what would that guy do next?

Her fear quickly turned to anger as she looked at the mess on the floor. "'Clean this up?'" She mocked. "I'm done being a servant girl you son-of-a-bitch," she cursed at Raezyr, well out of earshot. "You'll see." Anya went to the kitchen for a towel, the memory of her lightsaber still hanging on Raezyr's belt irking her.

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