December 14, 2008

30. Sith Academy - Raezyr

Raezyr was amazed. Man this guy's good! The screens began flashing by, almost too fast for Raezyr to read, and Trychon's hands just kept moving faster. Raezyr pulled out a data pad from his belt. In his amazment his facade was all but forgotten, "Hey Trych, can you also get some of that info on here? It might come in really handy on Nar Shaddaa. I've been there before, but some of those maps would be cool to have on hand."

Trychon reached over and took the data pad from Raezyr with one hand, never taking his eyes from the screen. Neither did he slow down, dispite operating the controls with only one hand.

"And if we're going to track down.... what was the name again? Nevermind. If we're going to the Hutt world, I need to know just how well you can use the Force, and how good you are with your light saber. That place is a hive of scum and villiany."

Trychon finally stopped and handed the data pad back to Raezyr, who tucked it into his belt.

"Well..." Trychon began.

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