December 19, 2008

76. The Search for Darth Vikon - Trychon

"It sure is good to have him back!" Trychon exclaimed with a bit of excitement to nobody in particular... all while sending the mental ? to Raezyr.

Raezyr asked the Geonosian "Could I get a full copy of his history? I've lost a bit of data. Purchase date, repairs, diagnostics? Thanks." He watched as the alien transferred him the requested files.

"Well, I guess we've got everything we came for then!" Trychon exclaimed again to nobody at all. "We'd best be going, then. Sure was a lovely trip though."

He grabbed hold of the gravsled handles and started maneuvering 'their' droid to the ship.

They loaded it up and Raezyr started the prelaunch sequence as Trychon returned the sled.

"Why don't you go ahead and get us out of here, buddy? I've got the Heebie-Jeebies now." Trychon said as he sat into the co-pilot chair, pressing a few buttons to help out.

Raezyr rolled his eyes.

After they were safely coasting away from the planet, Raezyr pulled out his datapad. "Let's see what's really going on with this fellow." He clicked on his pad for a minute. As he went to open the maintenance history for the HK, the datafiles deleted themselves. "What the fuck?" He said in surprise...

Trychon was already holding his datapad next to the droid. "When you want to find out what's really going on with something... it's better to find out for yourself than those that are giving you the original story.

He looked at his pad for a moment. "Yeah... they were lying to lied to."

"Why do you say that?" Raezyr returned...

"This droid is new."

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