December 14, 2008

50. The Search for Darth Vikon - Trychon

His attempted back flip ended up being more of a crash landing as well... his feet touched first which he told himself was a partial victory... but then his momentum carried him towards the blast, rolling on his side. Regardless, he knew he'd be in better shape than the thugs were.

After his body came to rest, he slowly climbed up coughing and trying to keep breathing. Bruised. He thought to himself. It hurts, but you'll be fine. End this and get Raezyr to the the ship.

He walked up to the rubble and saw a blaster poke out from the side of some of the cover it had created. He sidestepped the first few bolts of the blind fire and closed the space as quick as he could. He ignited his lightsaber and thrust it through the piece of debris just to the right of the blaster. He heard a man scream and drop the blaster.

He picked it up and walked around the junk to see the man with a hole in his arm writhing in pain. It was the man that they'd left unconscious earlier. Obviously he had not only forgotten his lesson from then... he had certainly lied in not telling them about their 'contact'.

Furious, he said to himself Never again. and thrust his left hand forward, propelling the blade into the gut of the henchman and left it there for a second while he glared into the pupils of the dying man.

He walked over to the other bodies on the ground... some were moving and some weren't. He wasted no time at all in raising his right hand to use the blaster on them. Still glaring, he put neat little holes in each forehead he came across... breathing or not.

Finally, he came to the last body. Slowly trying to pull himself out of the mess... the 'informant' caught the glare from Trychon.

"You." Trychon attached the gun to his belt and gripped his saber with both hands.

The informant looked the most scared Trychon had ever seen in a grown man. It made him feel better. The man started to speak "I... Iaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!!!!"

As he opened his lips to form words, Trychon put the tip of the blade to the man's throat and slowly drove it through to the ground.

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